
I love that you're less liberal than me, but seriously, watch Rhianna talk about Bates Motel and Psycho, she has real passion.

theyre not a douche, it gives me something to think about. no reason not to be weary of dependency on a therapist

Yes, I can't recall offhand how old they are, but I'm sure they'll reach the age soon when they turn on his TV show and want to disown him immediately.

I don't think though that people were THAT pissed about Fallon toussling Trump's hair. Fallon is a 2nd grader who's fascinated by anything around him. I'm frankly surprised child protective services hasn't tried to remove his kids from him

Actually, I think Conan O'Brien has the funniest stuff these days. I liked the phone calls b/w Trump and Obama.

Esther Zuckerman couldn't resist the bait, Brie Larson still hasn't explicitly made a statement, maybe because she has more respect for all the parties involved than you do?

Better than his dad

of course, striking is easy for people with financial cushions, who would debate that? At least, AV Club was classy enough to admit that they could strike bc of their privileges

not quite comment of the week material, but good comment with a nice zinger at the end!

"This week, they looked back at Donald Trump’s bar mitzvah, i.e., his
joint address, or: the day he became a president in the eyes of people
who couldn’t see past that striped tie."

actually, that is a good point, granted

this is a newswire?
How come AV Club's feminist rhetoric never gets called out on being a bit overdone and self-important? It's one thing to be feminist, but to announce you're a feminist group of people with nearly every other article you write and to let that point of view seep in to nearly all of your think pieces

It's subsidized fairly heavily by insurance, so that it's only $13.50 a session.

"It wasn’t just Josh who grew up in this latest batch of episodes, though
he certainly matured—but the series progressed as well, providing even
more thoughtful storylines for its multiple multifaceted female

Why, because she is from Barbados? I assume not a lot of black people watch Bates Motel so I support anything that brings diverse audiences together and I'll bet her fanbase will follow her th ere. On top of that she was a fan of the show before

Yeah, but you've already gone down that road halfway, might as well get the full thought out, I'm an adult, I can take it

As in therapy shouldn't last eight years?

What was Dee's move?

I'm so sad bc today's my B-Day and everything in life's changing. My therapist of 8 plus yrs is leaving, my aunt is divorcing my uncle, we now have a president who hates our country, and through all these changes in life over the last decade, It's Always Sunny, has remained the most hilarious and comforting thing on

I hope waitress doesn't have a kid just yet….