
Yeah but when you do 10 episodes a season…it's not hard to work into your schedule

oops, yes, but seriously, the world will never be the same with his passing

Non political question: what's the difference be all the editor titles?

I support y'all but you don't have to treat you're social activism like ita a recently uncovered secret, 90% of the av clubs analysis of art shows a political bent right off the bat

My mother had two miscarriages, glad she didn't give up or me and my siblings wouldn't exist

I saw this yesterday at a preview, it was really good but not for the faint of heart, I normally don't see films w such grotesque looking animals and such gore

Joe Rogers, Schmoe Schmogers, what about Roger Osbourne. For the people who came to AV Club in the first place (movies), the world will really never be the same w/out his TCM intros

Sorry, who's Chick again? I'm confused (also, yes i'm reading the review before I watch to decide whether to watch it, busy schedule, and I was thinking of just waiting until Rihanna shows up)

It does seem a little unnecessary to have the founding fathers be dim-witted drunks unless you realistically think they were like that in history. a show like CLone High or a movie like Bill and Ted gets some mileage out of at least some degree of historical comparison. This is just sloppy/fratty.

The Show me the money bit was just painful. It made no sense in the story, it was not funny, if you're not a big fan of racial stereotypes, that's going to turn you off too.

It's not that well-developed, so it's hard to tell much about him so far.

I might see a good film like Eye in the Sky or (I believe The Bronze) a little later when it comes on DVD


Likewise, you're OK. Good comments. I gave you a thumbs up too

Me not openly declaring myself a feminist ally and using it for social leverage sounds like the opposite of b.s. if you're a guy, aren't you guilty of those things w this very reaction?

Cool, thanks for the tip

Yes, get out also does look good. To clarify. I often see those films like I just saw the 2013 film Admission be it was at the junkyard pile of the Wawa which was a winter dumping ground film, but I don't go to the theater that much. A lot of this stuff I'll catch later if it's available or if it got some really good

Oh I see what you're saying. I thought you were judging them on brutality.

I will perhaps check it out. I think I've heard of John Carter and Jonah Hex

I imagine you are kind of annoyed w both anyway. Also. To be fair they might not be doing it just to get sex, they might also want approval of female colleagues or female friends or whatever.