
False equivalency

I was thinking that too, it sounded like he didn't have his shot together and maybe was alcoholoc

I watched fences and loved it

He has the capacity for change but the conversation hasn't focused on it. He is still directing so is he treating th e women in his troupe respectfully? How was he on ancestry by the sea? Does he agree about providing opportunities to women and equal pay?.

You're a critic for where?

I've been an avid proponent of Casey Affleck getting the award if he deserves it so you'll get no argument from me. However, in fairness to everyone, I'd like to think theoretically Parker should also be judged aside form his movie.
Again, I haven't seen the film (have you?) so I don't know if it makes any big

I agree with this a lot.

Honestly, I'm happy he won because he was the best person and partially because it seemed like the wrong place and time to use him as a pinata for women's rights based on a settled case.

Not seperating the art from the artist is hippocritical because we don't know what the other nominees have actually done. We only know that Casey Affleck's abuse has come to light (Stephen Collins and Bill Cosby both were discovered to have done bad things in their career far later in their career) and we have

Yeah that movie better be good. Last time, someone showed up in a weird haircut to the Oscars, Jack Nicholson went bald and we later found out it was because he was making the Bucket List.

On a serious note, could there be any middle ground? Maybe he was really drunk and forgot that he invited someone else to sleep in her bed.

Impersonating Lindsay Lohan?
H"onestly, the first time I saw Emma on screen, I was like, "hmmm, looks like Lindsay Lohan is making a comeback" because I hadn't seen her since Prairie Home Companion. Honestly, the quality between the two actresses aren't that far apart.

I don't think that counts as a pun? But your first one was pretty good.

but to be fair, who actually saw Birth of a Nation? Most of us didn't go because the reviews weren't great and the reviews were influenced by ppl who thought whats his name was a jerk

awesome, I love you for being liberal ion your own terms. that's a big accomplishment around here

you know that joke doesn't work phonetically?

Hello shit, I didn't connect the dots until now and learn that Colin is related to Tom. I just thought maybe it was a common enough last name.

I agree that something happened. Why would two women make up things that specific? Again, it is legally settled though, he didn't lie about that.

Well, technically, he can't discuss it because of the court settlement. I think he did it, but I also think it's hard for us to know much because of the resolution. I think all three parties are satisfied or else they would have walked away from the table, and it's kind of between them.

It is quite frustrating, as Esther Zuckerman unintentionally demonstrates here by putting both words close together., commend and condemn, mean opposite things and they sound so like