
9 years sounds like a good time. He wouldn't want to overstay his welcome. I always got the impression that his best friend on the show was Taran Killam. It's too bad he and Killam couldn't have left in the same year.

Speaking of Bob Dylan, any news on whether he forfeited the Nobel Prize or fulfilled the requirements?
IIRC, he has to show up within 6 months

oh wow, i didnt know that. I remember she got in a twitter fued with Hillary Duff a little while ago, and I thought "Good for her for putting her in her place." Is it also possible that she's OCD and the media never picked up on it?

horrible person or horrible actress? She was in 3 of the greatest films ever made-Bonnie and Clyde, Network, and Chinatown-can't take that away from her though

I have my methods (preparing my dental equipment a la marathon man)

Also, was the supreme court head justice there?

tell us more!

Jesus, lots of hate for Faye Dunaway. Other than having a funny name (who names their kid "Faye"?), I love her!

they always throw in a few low-brow elements at those kinds of parties

shes older than when she was in network, what do you expect??

pics or it didnt happen

are we still talkin g about this?

i dont have oodles and oodles of time, you know.

That is correct. When choosing what to report, there's a lot more leniency. That's a whole other issue but it's hard to please everybody. You must be a liberal, but there are all kinds of conservatives who are massively disappointed too as well as various age demographics who constantly voice displeasure (older people

I will send it to my last journalism professor, I'd be curious to know his take on it, and get back to you.

Did you watch that Walmart receipt movie? It looked good

Interestingly enough an investigation is being opened. But what is there to learn?

Kimmel was an amazing host. Besides Billy Crystal made fun of Keisha Castle Hughes and Shoreh Aghdashloo for their names in 2003, it just goes to show how much more pointlessly sensitive we are a decade later

I was wondering if they might, think of the conspiracy theories

Did he?