
I think she's good but it took her a couple seasons to get there. For a while, they were just using her as "angry black woman" in every sketch. Sometimes, I feel like they use her too much. I'm glad you agree that Bayer is part of the equation. If the dudes are only ok, they shouldn't have let their most experienced

you assume i'm in the US (correct) but you also assume I have HBO (not all of us do), I subscribe to Amazon, Hulu, CNS and Netflix, that's enough

I liked Felicity Jones.

I don't think he's great, more like serviceable. I think both Jay and Taran were better sketch actors than he was (Jay was getting good), so it's a tough year for the show in terms of male actors but Mikey Day looks promising.

I agree. I'm surprised if I see Sasheer in anything at all.

Considering no one would ever expect John Cena to act on SNL, he must have really wanted the part.

I think you'd be insane not to think that Mikey Day is going to make it to Season 2 and beyond, he's being featured so much.

I thought Felicity Jones was great. I have a schoolguy crush on her (more like she's adorable, not like full lust) so I suppose I have a soft spot.
I feel like Dennis's tastes in hosts are just very random and specific to his biases before he goes in. He loves the Rock hates Scarlett Johansson for equally random

I'm very confused about how comedic this is, exactly.

creepy or interesting? I think it would be a good twist.

Well, I think he wants to get rid of Jason Mendoza.

I'm just saying "have fun or companionship with whoever, if you're monogamous, good for you, if you want to date both Eleanors until you know who's for you, whatever"

He was apparently known to be a very amiable person for most of the period where he exhibited disturbing behavior behind closed doors. The blazing saddles fiasco was the first time his dark side got out, iirc

I agree, I mean it's ridiculous casting but that souNds even more fun to watch

Yes, I think that's well-established. if Eleanor didn't do so much name dropping than she would have ranked higher. She was dangerously close to being left out of the bad place all together

We've never explicitly been told that.

ld like to think that in heaven, you're saved from all the hassle of thinking about relationships and who's your soul mate and all that. I'm reminded of Adam Conover's video about how (from Adam Ruins Everything) a soulmate is a modern construct that doesn't mean anything, sure love is a real thing, but the idea that

Michael seemed a bit too inconsistent her other episodes. He's usually not vindictive or angry with people, he's just internally frustrated.

The last two or three episodes have been among the more rewatchable entries. This is a very clever series but it's not as rewatchable as some of my favorite shows. I think it's because Jason and Janet have a lot of hidden depth as characters!

I think it's probably worse for the victims. By that point, you're just out of touch with reality. The victims are still in reality. I have long been interested in Gig Young, the only Oscar-winning actor responsible for a murder-suicide. He tried to disown his own daughter in court in the 1960's and eventually