
I thought 2017 was going to be celebrity death free. Grim reaper, don't give us this BS like an SNL guy dying at age 62, that show has had enough deaths.

Yeah but Frank was oingo bongo last season and had no problem saying he and Charlie had an anniversary when the gang dined out

Some other minor nitpicks:
1. I thought Frank of all people has been enthusiastic about pretending to be gay when convenient. Seemed like more of a Dennis plotline to want to clarify that he has the straight AIDs
2. It's not the titty twister, it's the "kiddy twister" according to closed captioning
3. Yeah, that's not a

Since AV Club isnt revieiwng, Schitt's Creek, are there any Schitt's Creek fans in the house?
Disappointed it didn't get covered (not even a season review)

I already said Comment of the Week to someone this week, so consider yourself this week's silver medalist in my book

her popularity is largely through YouTube clips just like Colbert, Seth Meyers, Fallon and Corden. Someone like Bill Maher isn't really on YouTube that much bc he's on HBO. I've downloaded a couple of Samantha Bee episodes but she's pretty big on youtube

I know what a jet stream in a pool would feel like more than the other thing. But anyways, perhaps, the show should have done more research on this?

Is a jet stream in a pool similar to anal play though?

how is that an adult ride. A typical kids ride is a very short slide that empties into a two-foot pool. Besides it emptied into the same pool as thundergun and this slide could fit an adults body,

damn, htat's a good one, I think i'll submit it to TV tropes if you dont mind

I don't think they squandered it. Do you mean not enough screen time? It was a complete arc.

With Dennis, there are differing levels from how smart he thinks he is vs how smart he actually is. They've played with that a bit. In the end, he got duped by a 10-year-old girl. Also, some of the tricks he was doing were her ideas anyway. I was thinking maybe one of the possibilities was the girl existed only in

yeah, the first episode seemed too avant-garde to really want to embrac eit

I didn't even understand how that worked. It was just the bracelet the whole time?

I thought the best thing about the episode was that a ride is all of a sudden alluring because it has some promotional tie-in to a movie. Growing up in the 90s and 2000s, there were all these rides like the Outer Limits roller coaster or the Wayne's World-themed section of King's Dominion, or the Batman Forever

Kind of a raunchy question, but is that how being gay works? You naturally enjoy the stream of pressure in your anus from any source?

how is this a newswire anyway. great job internet, right?

I like Buzzfeed's YouTube channel. They're pretty creative in terms of series and videos they choose to run Not commenting on their news, but don't go hating on buzzfeed is all I'm saying.

I actually liked that movie

Yeah, the show's self-conscious about that. They couldn't say the name of the show when they did the press rounds on Today and GMA unless they had a graphic spelling the name of the show so the censors wouldn't mistake it.
Schitt's Creek made my top 12 this past year, great show:…