
that is a complicated question. it also sounds like a loaded question as you believe other religions are scams as you just stated. I believe in spiritiuality/god, so I would have a different approach. My personal view is that most religions have some people in certain sects who are a little crazy with it. I'm Jewish

I think the one I read was about the cold war, it was like the first book I read in any of my high school history classes that made the subject come along

ohh that explains it, Leah Remini's thing is an 8-part series. Isn't it a bit excessive to stretch that out to 8 episodes?
Scientology is a nutty cult, we all know that, we need eight episodes to explore it?

Ohhhhh, shoot, 9 was a crossword puzzle.

Stephen Ambrose is a historic author that was the first required reading I had in school I actually liked. I believe he's dead, right?

Hidden Figures is Henson in lead, Spencer and Monay in supporting. I've seen Arrival and La La Land, I won't think Stone or Adams are particularly special (though I love Adams in general). Stone is young and not really ready for that high level, let her mature a bit before she gets an Oscar nom. If it were up to me,

The depth of the field is strong enough that three of my four favorite performances I've seen so far are in this category-Taraji P Henson in Hidden Figures, Sonia Braga in Aquarius and Sally Field in Hello My Name is Doris- won't even make it in, so let's hope who ever gets in whether Streep, Ruth Negga in Loving ,

fair enough

My understanding is that Trump's platform is two fold: 1. Tax cuts in the US and 2. Threat of higher tarriffs if they are from out-of-seas.

Aren't some of the moderate republicans like Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio and JOhn McCain wavering?

Comment of the week!

Probably the only good thing about Trump is he probably can stop jobs
from going overseas, I agree with Scott is Not a Professional (and I
believe in giving credit where credit is due, even if it's to a
terrible, terrible person), BUT he's terrible in so many other ways including his lack of concern for actual truth

can we at least try? can we hope?

I hope Trump suffers several different levels of hell simultaneously for his ridiculous cyberbuillying, but I'm also kind of hoping this doesn't actually give Meryl STreep another nomination out of sympathy, because there are just so many talented actresses in her field and Meryl doesn't need another nod. I hope she

We're all here for you. If you legitimately feel like politics will make you nauseous and ill, take comfort in knowing a lot of people in power and out of power are watching him closely. i would get more sick if some of the corrupt people he elected for cabinet get confirmed so hoping that doesnt happen.

A film critic should acknowledge good as well as bad, to a degree this particular film critic does that better than others.

my only thing was that it was really really long and she repeats some sentences verbatim. for a youtube audience, you got to shorten the videos a little. i also had some minor squibbles with the school of criticism where yoyu're just very critica;l and dont put yourself in the shoes of the filmmakers and realize the

I'm three episodes into season 1 of HIgh CAstle. Let me ask something:
Why didn't the guy give he name to save his sister's life?
If he gave up the name of the city, they would still have a long way to go before ehy caught her.

oh we have both. did you not know that. the italian sausage is spicy though and will burn your mouth. when i make my own pizzas, i don't ever really use either. ground beef is the way to go!

I don't know what the difference between breakfast sausage and regular sausage is. I personally prefer our ground beef topping or the chicken breast topping. I think our Canadian Bacon has taken a major dive in quality in the last 4 months (at least in my location) and our pepperoni is a bit greasier than I would