
interesting theory.

no he's not, he started acting in 1986, i just checked IMDB. I know him as the kidnapped restaurant critic from It's Always Sunny and the guy who co-directed Leonardo DiCaprio's environmental passion project on the environment.

But I think the show is great because it's already operating at a very high level

That's a good point. I think if two people are revealed to be mistakes, Michael's head will explode anyway. I think Michael operates through flawed logic. Elanor doesn't really deserve to be there, logically, but he's putting an extraordinary amount of effort simply because a) he has an emotional attachment to the

I just remembered my core beliefs when I read this piece earlier today, about uniting rather than
dividing people. My anger with you is just how you seem to want to divide and take pride in it. I do think you have a major confirmation bias:

I can't remember if you were the guy who got in a quarrel with me one night when you were drunk and talking about reverse racism and we both got a warning OR if you're the guy who got in an argument about catcalling and you spoke about how you're upbringing has made you more of a gentleman and stuff. Based on what I

I actually agree with that a lot. If you're gonna bring in the lawyer, bring in the lawyer we've come to know.

I rated it as my favorite show of 2015 and it still regularly goes ranks up there, but some reason . I think too many episodes went outside of the box. Electric Biugaloo got off to a bad bad start because it was a bottle episode that barelyhad a new concept. Suburbs is one of the few that's not really rewatchable

oh god this is awful. granted I only watch the show mayne once a week, so perhaps I can't complain, but he can't possible crank out all his celebrity interviews and stuff in one week. is he abandoning those?

My two main thoughts are: Oh Jesus, do I have to be familiar with the Wiz? That's a pretty obscure piece of pop culture and probably doesn't even qualify as Sidney Lumet's top 5 most well-known films.

I had this on while my mom was visiting and didn't see every scene because she was nagging me a lot about stuff, I saw Scott Bakula as a janitor, didn't see him singing though.

I was actually thinking that just like the superstore, it's a completely placeless sitcom. I think something like Raising Hope's megastore, for example, had a certain regional flavor. Ditto films like The Good Girl, Empire Records or Extract in terms of their retail/industrial environments. Another film like One Hour

I feel like saying don't bum me out with more "RIPs"

I agree that Trump is the low point in our nation's democracy and all that and many of his picks are outright stupid. I think Sessions is a bad idea because of cronyism, HOWEVER, I still don't buy the Sessions is racist argument just yet.

never heard it

I did this before but I think ppl got bogged down w/descriptions, so here's a list without any descriptions of everything I watched in 2016 loosely ranked best to worst if anyone wants to comment about things they agree or disagree with or ask why i ranked anything anywhere.

Thank god, the good place is back!

That's funny,t his marks the fist time anyone referenced Home Improvement in a TV review in a long time. I applaud it.

I think you were right in the initial review. The show is too broad and the characters too outrageous. I see absolutely nothing to lose in sharpening the broad edges just a tad. It reminds me of Comedy Central's Idiot Sitter which was my least favorite show out of about 60-65 that I watched in all of 2016 because the

I mean, that sounds like a nice sentiment but logically it makes no sense. You want to abandon all pretense of morality or being politically effective bc your opponent is nuts?