
pretending it's not a possibility is adorable. members of the electoral college were getting death threats, you know

again, none of these people are Trump supporters. I'm asking us to examine the line of what the Trump supporter is.

I know, everyone's boycotting everyone.

here's my loose ranking of everything I saw on TV in 2016, comment on what you agree or disagree, i'll throw in a few bits of why as time permits

I was super into Snopes in 2005. Glad that they've had a bigger presence.
What's the difference between Daily Mail and Guardian? They're both publications in UK, right?

it depends if you're a TV watcher or more of a movie watcher.

I remembered CAptain Janeway from Voyager on Cheers recently.

yeah, agree, he doesn't count as a notable guest star if that's all he's known for

Frank Langella strikes me as a guy who'd have the same kind of memoir as 50 other character actors unless there's some glaring thing I don't know.

I rewatched bits of The Day the Earth STood STill (one of the best films ever, IMO) and The Terminator last night. The Terminator I watched w/someone who's not that into sci-fi and I can understand how T2 might be a better film to convert someone because it has a bit more humor and the kid makes it more relatable. T1

Yeah, but i don't want us inflicting collateral damage on people who choose to perform (or are at least pressured to do so by the Rockettes for example), Trump and the people who voted for him are the problem, anyone else is free to deal with Trump however they want. I don't want us to tear each other apart for the

I loved that film. It was one of my 3 faves of the year and i place it above all the stuff that's buzzing for Oscar that I've seen (Arrival, Lion, La La Land, Sully) BUT I wish the improv scenes were just a wee bit funnier so that the audience laughter on screen would calibrate with the degree to which the audience in

I just felt like guys thrust into a situation with gangsters is just such a tired premise so that already put them in a bad place. Also, I felt like for a duo that is capable of such nuance, why couldn't they have shown the gangsters with a little more nuance in terms of where they came from that made them adopt that

EW cited the DMV scene and to me that was pretty memorable. To be honest, I barely remember the movie. I know it was critically acclaimed but I almost slept through it.

I thought the final fight scene was pretty good of X-Men Apocalypse. I also liked when Psyloche and that Morlock guy were assembling the villains for apocalypse in the first place

yeah, worst movie i saw in the past couple years. i put a full-stop on dating a girl because she liked suicide
squad, i gotta say. and i'm a pretty lonely guy too, but that was a deal
breaker (seriously i'm not that shallow, there waas some stuff beforehand)

yeah, i put a full-stop on dating a girl because she liked suicide squad, i gotta say. and i'm a pretty lonely guy too, but that was a deal breaker

these are the kind of film critics who get a hard-on for well-placed music numbers for the period when they grew up. like perhaps, i might appreciate a reusing of Smashmouth's "All Star" in a movie today as a sort of nostalgic throwback

oh that was pretty crazy that they picked that scene. I thought the futuristic city in Star Trek or Scottie's effort to beam 20 people at a time with Kirk and Sophie Boutella grabbing hands at the right moment to make their mid-air beaming go through was the best

I loved Sigourney Weaver revealing herself as Kate McKinnon's mentor. I thought the film was pretty serviceable.