
that's great that you had that experience , thats cool that that scene prompted that inner film critic to emerge in you. I'm also pro-choice bc I think the miracle of life is a mother knowing that they have to go through pregnancy and birth and have that attachment for the rest of their lives and decide to have that

Chicanery is a pretty advanced word, trying to debate whether I want to devote an extra minute or two to look up what that means

Two quick Debbie Reynolds questions: I saw some YouTube clips of her interviews and she made the press rounds in what i think was either 2011 and 2013 with a new book. Then she released a book this year? What new details could there be to add to her life from a 3-5 year period?

the Kyle Chandler TV series about the guy who gets the paper one day beforehand? Yep, but I was 12, I didn't pay attention to the credits that closely

12 whole years? i would have a lot of trouble believing that, i heard there were rough patches

He played a kidnapped restaurant critic in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, that's the only thing I know of him offhand. He also codirected Leo DiCaprio's latest environmental documentary which means he got to hobnob with Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Al Gore, Justin Trudeau, and a bunch of other important people this

correct. I have only seen 25 films. How many films did you see?

Seinfeld is in the public consciousness only if you're a Seinfeld fan. Comedians in Cars Getting Cofffee isn't a draw if you're not a Seinfeld fan.
Today's generation would probably listen to a podcast like Maron or Lauren Lapkus's podcast

Would it be fair to say that enemy of the state used google maps before google maps existed? Lots of direct satellite imagery used in that film which I believe came out in 1998

Death race the remake could have had some fun w it.

Singing in the Rain?
I think there was also Anchors Aweigh w/Gene Kelly and the mouse in there too, just the dancing looked similar in the one with Gosling and Emma Stone at the top of the hill

My List:
1. Eye in the Sky, Gavin Hood-A very gritty and fun film

Some notes:
1. Ignatiy V. is always referencing Chabol
2. I skipped Hell or High Water because I'd never heard of David McKenzie before. Now apaprently, i'm learning that he has previous films? Were they anything noteworthy? I ask because I've never heard of this guy in my life
3. Jesse Hassenger makes a good point that

For some reason I thought Carrie Fisher was indestructable. At least HArrison Ford is. He survived a freaking plane wreck this year.

What an amazing woman. I liked Morgan Murphy's (staff writer for Jimmy Fallon, etc) tweet: "I didn't know her. but anyone who goes through anything needs someone who has been there to be honest in spite of stigma. She was my that."

I remember it marked the downfall of Joe Lieberman as decent guy when he started backing Glenn Beck during his more crazy rants because he supported Israel.

Haha, who's Payne Stewart too? (too lazy to google)

You know what, though, I'm really glad Jon Stewart is off the air. Yes, I'm not disputing he's good, but I kind of like that we're living in period where all these guys are now in the first stages of their shows and establishing themselves before our very eyes. Stewart would have clouded and overshadowed he rise of

if they put it on a channel i subscribe to, i would have gladly watched it.
chicken and the egg scenario i guess