
btw, why is Rodrigo talking t o a child-version of Mozart and not the Mozart in his 30s. Mozart did live to his 30s

Lizzie is one of the most inconsistently written charcters on the show. She went from hosting a classical music party where people played some drinking games with a metronome to bein adorably clueless when she met Bradford Sharp. I think the character was majorly retooled after the pilot (my understanding is they

wait, why is this the end of Betty Cragdale?

neat. that's why i asked, i actually live near Baltimore so I knew of her.

k, but does danette really know that conducting is a male-dominated profession or does she just assume that?

We definitely need more Betty Cragdale. I hated how she was so nasty to Hailey for no reason but since Hailey is capable of biting back, Cragdale is the biggest wildcard on the show now

This is mostly a season 2 problem and then in season 3, it's just a continuation of the same, but isn't Hailley supposed to be a small fish in a big pond except for the fact that she? She slept with one o fhte world's best cellists and now she's on a first name basis with Thomas and getting conducting lessons from

that's cool, but I mean have any of you classical musicians ever tried jazz, that's all about spontaneity if that's what you're looking for. it's complete chaos. I would assume you'd be drawn to classical because you want control. anyways, very very helpful and insightful responses and I appreciate you sharing them!

I loved the first two seasons of this show but it has like no dramatic stakes and they're recycling much of the first two seasons.

honestly, dumb question, but why is a conductor that important?
I once was at an army bass and saw a woodwind quintet playing along to a metronome that was blaring over the loud speakers.
The Glenn Miller orchestra just had the Glenn start them off with a little move from his trombone.

1. Well, there was that Argentine pianist Martha Argerich who just got a kennedy center honor and they said she had a highly erratic schedule from what I read

most conductors?

I've seen 6 episodes and there's nothing really very dramatic about the show so far. The last two seasons had a lot of pathos but they also had a lot of things that we wanted to know how exactly they'd turn out. It seems inevitable that Rodrigo will make his way back.

that was a bit later in his career after people said he was a brat when he wasn't/ around the time of the anne frank incident he was well-known for being a well-behaved kid

I stand corrected. Very persuasive argument

I don't think Valencia's a realistic person at this point because the valencia of a few episodes ago would never have been friends with Rebecca, so since her character no longer makes sense, it kind of doesnt matter what she says or does now

I'm having major problems buying Valencia and Rebecca. If they were going to be good friends this quickly, we'd need to see some more hints beforehand that Valencia wasn't a very shallow and superficial person who was secretly craving another female friend. Perhaps a throwaway exposition line about how the breakup

I likethe instagram stuff, that's definitely a west coast thing, don't you think?

the dark knight rises was amazing. it had a villain that didn't overshadow the plot, it had a fitting ending for bruce wayne, it had an amazing set piece to start the film, it had batman being broken and then reformed, it used it's cillian murphy cameo much better than the dark knight, pretty much every catwoman fight

There are also real world consequences of erroneously looking at the world through a white males verse everyone else lens. It's more complicated than that. Julian Bond of the NAACP gave a speech at my college and race is a Construct was his entire thesis. However I see your point that it's also bad to say race is a