
i have no idea who John Cena is, oh well

I'm just taking about a movie

This is awful to wake up in the morning and read this bc do we have to have another trump argument on a movie board? I'm exhausted from trump discussions. We need to set a limit on this. I clearly have no interest in discussing trump here

yeah, but Archer isn't that great these days anyway.
Two seasons ago it was my #1 show of the year, last season it was so boring, it was one of the lowest

I mean, it's box office was impressive as shit, i'll respect tthat

get the same director to do it, I think, it will be tonally different.

I think it's a stretch to compare Election to Trump as even the author admits, so I'm wondering why write the essay if the author doesn't even believe in these comparisons (answer: money from getting it published)

i think it's one of the most awesome things there is, far better than difficult people

he is pretty freaking awesome.

I hope they covered the three-way between Jon Hamm and Billy one here too, that one was even funnier.

Hughes is differnt, but Reitman, Ramis and Landis have all sort of worked in that same era in the same style borrowing same actors (they all borrow heavily from SNL's first class)

Forget him. I already memorize the names Harold Ramis and Ivan Reitman, I'm not learning the name of a 3rd director from that time period and genre.

i think with drama, the bad characters can be entertaining to watch if there's a reasonable balance between good and bad things happening to them or a chance that things don't work out their way. two shows i stopped watching were Narcos and House of Cards because i knew that the bad guy would win every week and i just

i think a hard thing here is that it's hard to put into words why this show works (and i've been a tv critic before), so you might not see many defenses of this show on rottentomatoes. my theory is that the protagonist is dislikeable and that's a flaw but the true emotional core of the show is Todd-Amanda and Dirk

what was your old job?

i agree that its one of the mostwatchable things on tv

I do agree in them toning down Dirk Gentleya wee bit

who the f is max landis? not seeing him on imdb or in the credits?

Farrah and Todd? that just seems thrown in there to fulfill the quota of romantic tension that these shows normally require. the two haven't had a real romantic connection or suggestive moment the whole series.

you think there's even a possibility of a season 2 or is it just a miniseries?