
This really does not strike me as you trying to desperately want to talk about election and link it to current politics in some way so it can get published.

Hayes won the vote by 899 votes, but in what state? i thought he lost the popular vote?

Jesus 1997 wasn't that long ago

well, to be fair, i'm not labeling him as the best there ever was, but kind of my personal favorite. I think perhaps Orson Welles or Hitchcock had more mastery of the medium and were bigger pioneers and I still like Shawshank R better than Forrest Gump but his entire body of work and the ways he innovates really

Would people laugh at me if I said Robert Zemeckis was just my favorite director?

Why does the MCU need any more characters?

I was depressed because of things that didn't have to do w/politics yesterday. I think that's not a good option but I was thinking that too: We're either going to have to disengage from government completely and say it's not important or face political reality and be unhappy. I have faith in the hallmarks of democracy

It's a podcast (as in visual appearances are undetectable to the listener) so I'm sure if Alexis wearing coffee-stained pajamas with cigarette butts in her hair and Lauren wanted to come dressed in an IKEA tent, no one would have cared

I was thinking that I was a little harsh in my response to you, so I apologize.
I think we're both in a territory and both existing in a time where it's hard to have a conversation that isn't heated.
If you want to discuss geography and what constitutes an urban area which is largely apoloitical, i'm all for that, I

thank you for saying that.
politics is about connection too. we both don't like the way the election went. the election depressed me, I think that the night of and the night after it was comforting to relate to other sin the day after the election.
I think I started this conversation simply talking about hope that

I think I agree. I'm a liberal who voted for Clinton, and I get condescending entitled liberal arts major feminists speak down to me all the time for being less on board the whole straight, white, male privilege is the explainer-of-everything-and-if-you-don't-join-it-you-are-a-s*ithead movement.

honestly, i don't even know what we're arguing anymore. that a city is not like the suburbs? I agree with that. I was just saying there's an urban-rural divide that urban people underestimate when trying to gain an understanding of the entire US electorate and it came back around to bite us in the 2016 election.

ehhh, possibly.

I don't think our points are as far apart as you realize, but i'm really happy to be in a place where i can leave conversations like this. i have no ill will toward you. you be liberal how you want, and i'll be a liberal how i want. i don't feel like fighting my fellow liberals over how to oppose Trump.

i'm from the DC area. Not all DC residents in the high-crime areas of Anacostia.I was just saying cities cross state lines.

By that logic, Covington, Kentucky is not part of Cincinnati's metro area, Suburban Virginia and Maryland are not characteristic of Washington DC, and Kansas City, MO (which has a larger popultion than it's counterpart) is not part of Kansas City?
I know geography, thank you. I majored in it and took graduate level

I won't support any bad appointments or bad policy proposals. I'm not suggesting any sort of honeymoon where I'm letting him do what he wants to unchecked. I've been saying these protesters on the streets should demand bipartisan cabinet choices and not allow him to use the Department of Energy or the EPA to dismantle

I'm following the prescription of my current presdient. I will give him a chance but not take it easy and will pounce on him at wrongdoing. I didn't approve of the Mike Flynn choice