
I LOVE when the conservatives, who wear t-shirts saying “Hillary Sucks but Not Like Monica” or bring nooses and signs saying “go back to Africa” to Obama rallies or hold up full color glossy posters of dismembered fetal tissue outside abortion clinics accuse the liberals of not being classy. The hypocrisy is a

You got me. I’m not at all tolerant of hateful pieces of shit. Well done Sherlock.

“First off, I’d like to thank Justice Scalia and Gov. Wallace for allowing me to be here...”

“My momma is teh BESTEST momma! Also women aren’t people!”

I’m not denying she was an asshole, nor am I saying that underneath her veneer was someone who wished her life was any different — I don’t believe everyone has a good person inside of them just waiting to break out, at least not by that age.

I especially feel bad for 10-year-old Phyllis Schlafly, who had the potential to not become such a hateful person.

She came to our school to debate the female attorney behind Roe Vs. Wade. Afterward she kept going on about when she was a little girl, her family never locked their door in St. Louis. “But you had William S. Burroughs as a neighbor. You should have locked the door,” I replied. She had no idea who Burrroughs was.

I think it’s because once you distill their particular formula of putrid, high-test hate enough, it becomes a preservative like formaldehyde, or brine.

Her life was fantastic. She got everything she wanted and reveled in the contempt of normal people. Feeling sorry for her in any way is a mistake. If ever anyone in American politics in the 70s has earned your contempt, it’s her. She should have died in 1982, and maybe given a deathbed apology like Lee Atwater and

Schlafly in eternal nonexistence is certainly better for the rest of humanity!

I hope she does, the miserable old repressed prude. If anyone’s grave ever deserved spitting on...

She was a huge piece of shit, we are all far better for having her gone.

This is a magnificent obituary and is exactly how she deserves to be memorialized.

Another example to support my theory that these loathsome conservative pieces of dogshit mostly live to such old ages because they know, beyond any doubt, that they’re going to burn in hell for eternity.

I honestly couldn’t decipher the point this person was trying to make. It’s mind boggling.

Uhhh....I have a feeling that life didn’t work out as you planned because a) life doesn’t work that way, and b) you have a seriously bad attitude.

*furiously adds the term “crazzissimo” to my vernacular because it’s hilarious and amazing all at once.”

Your whole life wasn’t ruined by other folks’ sex lives, abortions, or wedlock children. Holy hyperbole, accept responsibility for yourself, your own decisions (or lack thereof), and either make a change or accept the shit you’re in. Nobody gets denied love or an education because they aren’t “a fucking whore” because

Years ago, I was still with an emotionally abusive guy who’d blackmailed me into marrying him. We’d met as freshmen in college & he was my first relationship. I began to think going through with the marriage might be a mistake and he put his handgun into his mouth when I told him and wouldn’t take it out until I told