I think there’s eating disorders and disordered eating. A lot of women I know avoid carbs like they would a leper yet drink like fish and don't get any exercise...
I think there’s eating disorders and disordered eating. A lot of women I know avoid carbs like they would a leper yet drink like fish and don't get any exercise...
“You’re so disciplined! I wish I had YOUR discipline.” UGHGHGH.
I don’t remember that one! But there was one about a girl who was a gymnast who went on this crazy regiment (she’d do like 400 sit-ups in the middle of the night so her parents wouldn’t be concerned) which I tried to emulate. And there was another one about two friends who basically had a bulimia pact and one of them…
man, reading these comments I feel like I am the only one for whom their disordered eating was a solitary experience. I had to hide the fact that I was starving myself from my peers, even though I often gave away my lunches under the guise of just not being hungry. I didn’t see it as a way to fit in, I just hated my…
Yep. Just about a year ago I was talking with co-workers about the “freshman 15" and I said I had gained weight in early college and then by the time I was in my last year I did this diet where I only drank an ensure shake once a day and a bag of chips from the vending machine. And this guy was like “So you had an…
Considering the absolutely stifled and controlled way Victoria was raised (she was literally never alone, she wasn’t allowed to go down stairs without holding someone else’s hand, etc.) by a mother and advisor who absolutely were trying to home-grow a puppet they could control once she got to the throne, I choose to…
I recently met a vegan Crosfitter who answered the age-old question.
I'm a national champion, I got fourth in a world championship, and I'm not even close to being wealthy. Equestrians aren't always people with money, sometimes they are people who work their butt off.
Given the author’s obvious bias, and perhaps trolling in search of readers, I think it is likely he selected the posts, leading with one from an enthusiastic girl, to make them appear illiterate. Several appear to be the posts of young teens. However, perhaps he and you, need this validation of your assumed…
I like horses and agree with the person who said horses are have more sense than you
...was a damn good horse.
Being a smart ass? Oh you better believe that’s a paddlin’.
you GTFO and never come back!
No. NO. Get the hell out of here right now.
Yes there are. The idea that a city has to build every facility from the ground up is totally assanine. The idea that the games has to be consolidated into one place is assanine. There are facilities ready to go across the US that can host the games adequately with no need for new construction. Same with many other…
We can only hope for floaters.
What are they complaining about? The toilet’s output goes right into the sailing and swimming venues.
If we're lucky these Olympics will kill the IOC. Not that it won't be replaced with something equally corrupt, but still... there are dozens of locations that can host the Olympics right now, and they are ignored because either a country wants the prestige of the games to overshadow their lousy human rights records or…
Did you read the whole article? Zatkowski may only want to have reporters wearings something classier than jeans and sneakers, but some of his enforcers are getting their own ideas and one of them told a lady reporter to cover her shoulders.
LOL, sure, because everyone else there is dressed so professionally.