Lol, you are an optimist if you think we’ll have electricity two years from now.
Lol, you are an optimist if you think we’ll have electricity two years from now.
Too bad they didn’t put a bowl of water in front of him then you could have seen him wash it for even more cuteness.
Let’s be real, black men have always historically carried the standard for American masculine fashion. It’s a shame that all their best innovations always get watered-down for the Peoria to Poughkeepsie set.
Like, a small racist. Not a little bit racist.
I’m reading every comment. This is the best thing I’ll see all day.
How so? She looked completely professional at both debates.
Silly, it’s because he’s actually just three oompa-loompas piled on top of one enother. And the top one is a little racist.
That’s exactly what suits are for - to conceal men’s physical imperfections and make the look powerful. You have to really fuck up to have a suit make you look worse, and DT somehow managed it.
BROINI is funny.
So, DC is my hometown, and I used to see old dudes who work for the government or on The Hill or who are lawyers or consultants, who make a FUCKLOAD of money, wearing the most ill-fitting, garbage bag suits ever. Listen, I love DC, but 95% of the people there have no style.
The problem with doing this is that you have to own what you got. This is a man who knows what he weighs, knows his shape, and because of that is able to find something that is perfect for him.
John Mulaney has a bit that discusses that same premise. Very funny.
A few weeks ago, someone else on here guessed that he wears the super-long tie because someone told him that it was slimming. Ever since then, I cannot unsee that ridiculous tie... so irritating.
But on the other side, his alleged bilions is what makes them admire him. Though I guess poiting out flawed logic isn’t really getting anyone anywhere these days.
I’m not sure. He might be buying ready-to-wear, and having to buy a size bigger in the shoulders to fit him around the waist
A large amount of people find a look in their 20s or 30s and will keep that look in 70s and 80s.
Even his suits don’t want to have to touch him.