It strikes me that the responsible thing for constituents to do would be to ensure the their congresscritter was armed to defend him/herself, just like they suggested Teachers should be armed because taking military grade automatic weapons off citizens was a crime. Start a GoFundMe to buy your congresscritter a gun…
How can you look science in the face and say, “Nope, God had no hand in that”
No. Someone has to think they are doing something... actually, nope, scratch that. The history of it is pretty much all it takes is for some ignorant entitled asshole to feel ‘uncomfortable’.
They may as well. It’s not like the administration are using facts to make decisions.
It’s worth noting that they have already denied the science of the safety of the preservative. The one that has been deemed safe in several independent peer reviewed studies listed between 74 and 89 at least.
Because she is wealthy enough to never have to worry about paying for her or her friends medical expense and dumb enough to not realise that after the Muslims and the Mexicans, the African-Americans are the next ones in the concentration camps.
The DoJ said there would be no more Federal private prisons. There are still plenty of State based.
And indeedy, TrumpPencezilla will certainly roll that direction back. It would be very hard to think that the owners of the operating corporations were not Republicans who donated to his campaign.
Privately operated detention facilities are already all over the US.
It isn’t that fucking hard.
incompetent and/or willfully ignorant
They’re doing this because they perceive there will be zero consequences.
No warmth.
Nope. This is the worst.
They already tried to turn on him during the Primaries and they failed. The Republican Party lost control months ago, insofar that the GOP is now run by the alt-Right that spawned Brietbart and Gamergate, who owe more heritage to The Joker and The Purge than to Washington or Lincoln.
It’s f__cking terrifying that I now have to check some of these headlines to make sure they did not originate at the The Onion or The Betoota Advocate because Drumpfh.
their daughter got in vitro
Doubleplus Good.