
There is no federally mandated reporting of police killings. There is a voluntary reporting database kept by the FBI.

That was a Police Execution.


I know this is ridiculous because riders are far more skilled than that

I really, really hope she wasn’t concussed.

reasons to stay: fiscal and monetary policy

The situation exists in other countries as well, not just the US. Teachers and Emergency Workers are two great examples as their pay rates are public records.

I think it comes down to mental preparation more than anything. Women are better trained in contingency planning due to the whole issue furball of stalking/street harassment/don’t walk alone and have an escape route that is drilled into them. A man with privilege has never had to plan a contingency in his life unless

Nope. Not really. They barely understand consequences, and have no real ability for reasoning. That child would not have understood that the gun was dangerous. Simple Do or Don’t Touch instructions are required. Obviously here Guns were in the Do Touch category, especially nice shiny ones.

It’s all about the Benjamins

It’s the first damn line in the article. “quietly removed employees’ access to emergency contraceptives”

I keep wondering if Obama nominates and the GOP Senators refuse to do their jobs, can he just impeach the whole lot?

something that shouldn’t be that big of a deal considering that every dead person featured in the reel has probably had tits or fed off tits at some point.

Apparently Chicago cops have to buy their own equipment. Not a surprise, considering the city is broke, but deeply indicative of dysfunction.

Pretty much Ken. If it stays we will name it, but it will probably just wander back to the bit of bush it came from.

Claws and Strength, and Bad Attitude. A little bit like ‘Gators, but on land, and in your yard.

In much of the world, scouting is Co-ed already. There seems to be some backwards issues with US brand.

Not particularly closeup, but modern phone cameras are quite high resolution and barcodes are tolerant by design.

Apparently he is not at all threatened or scared by Guns, or Targets.