Darth Mallory

I like some bape (far from a blanket statement) but these designs don’t cut it for me. It’s hard to outdo the official Pokemon Center merch. The bar is set high!

Or if you catch the authors original article that was corrected with no correction while I get picked on for it...

This is cool and all, but can we just get Lei Wulong already please...

Ok she’s great but these pics are just a bit much, she’s starting to seem a little full of hersel-hang on there’s someone at the door

There. Fixed.

Did the players of Metal Gear Solid V ever complete nuclear disarmament?

Agreed! My best game happens when I’m not aware it’s my best game.

When people are watching me play Overwatch and say something like “wow, you haven’t died once”, it’s basically a death sentence.

Confirmation what us Genwunners always knew - Dragonite is the best Dragon.

These exact complaints (“it ruins the flow of the game! it’s still subjective! it’s too confusing!”) always come up every time instant replay gets added to a sport, and they’re all bs. VAR has some kinks that need to be worked out, but the system is ultimately going to correct a LOT more wrong calls than it makes, and

NHL reviews have been criticized for many of the same reasons, but they get the calls right, that’s the point.

People still talk about Wiigins-Love?

Is this claim that the gameplay is inspired by Attack on Titan something that the developers have commented on, or is it merely an assertion via internet comments?

Are we not discussing Usain Bolt?

What. If it’s only these 6 and the rest are dlc split between 2 season passes : year 1 and year 2

It looks sooooooo goooooooood. Are those models 3D because they look crisp and 2D.

Beyond being thrilled about not to be swept, I was really glad to deny the Warriors their coveted “perfect” playoffs. It’s amazing how a couple years ago, they seemed like such plucky, lovable guys and now they come off as arrogant villains in every interview. Seriously, Green is just a dick, Curry’s an

I knew it couldn’t just be me. I’m using wired, so I figured I could match with other 5 bar people. Lol nope. I dropped it to 3 bar and still got the “connection to the other player was lost” error 9 out of 10 times. I gave up after 1 good match, it just wasn’t worth it.

Yeah, I got one of these. The stupid katamari came loose and rolled off my coffee table.

These are awesome!