Darth Mallory

Shadestep makes everyone look like a jerk sometimes.

This is me in Destiny literally every time I switch to my Warlock or Titan....

Though I don’t agree, a credible argument could be made that it’s just a down Premier League year. There aren’t any standout teams...

They’re neighbors and Ash is like an intern for Oak. He’s also one of the only people he regularly talks too.

To be honest, the new animation style is kind of creepy. Characters have large, shiny eyes that looked soulless.

I wonder if, and stay with me here, they knew about that and were doing a humorous imitation, but using a pumpkin.

Seeing as how he calls it “most useless”, you think maybe it was intentional ?

I like the idea of it being one big game show.

It’s kinda galling that primaries on the whole are in a bad place, but then you get melted by a Grasp of Malok from half way across the map.

Not at all the case, I play 10-20 hours a week, and solely PvE content. The staying power is the fact that it’s an incredible game, PvP or PvE.

As it stands now, I am most frustrated by the continual nerfing of primary weapons to the point where they ironically take a backseat to specials, supers, grenades, and melee. I miss the previous metas where primaries were stronger, there were more gunfights, and the overall skill-gap was larger.”

I agree that he knocked it out of the park, and I think it’s because he did both of those things. I was able to imagine that Ewan McGregor’s Obi-wan grew into the aloof and enigmatic person Alec Guinness’s Obi-wan became, moreso than I believed that the Hayden Christensen (or god forbid Jake Lloyd) grew to be Darth

The final form of the fire cat STILL makes me very sad. I wish it was more actual tiger and less Tony the Tiger.

Now playing

Time to start downloading and hoarding porn. When the time comes and the seemingly unlimited vast wells of free pornography streams dry, it will be the porn hoarders who will reign with power!!! ABSOLUTE POWER!!!

He accurately predicted the current slag word for “cool” among kids.

Vision 100%. Groot is cool, but I’d watch vision kick the shit out of Clint all day every day.

Nebula’s makeup is exactly how i would imagine Frieza would look

You realize that the original RDR had it’s own online multi-player, right?

Harambe died so Ken Bone could live.