Even though when you get older and see loved ones and those you were fans of pass, it’s still hard to take when you hear of it. I’ll be 62 in a couple of weeks, and it’s still hard.
Even though when you get older and see loved ones and those you were fans of pass, it’s still hard to take when you hear of it. I’ll be 62 in a couple of weeks, and it’s still hard.
Loving the big-yikes energy here.
will you be inconvenienced when a drunk hits your sober ass?
Unfortunately, Kamiya blocked IGN on Twitter immediately after finishing the interview.
The highway patrol officer story has always confused the hell out of me. He couldn’t shift to neutral or do anything about it?
I'm sure the billionaire owner has hired people to help with their image online. I've not read a single good review of the vehicles and irrc they tried to sue/arrest a reviewer in Vietnam for giving them a bad review.
I assume they were waiting in line for the maid cafe.
what kind of parties do you go to where everyone is blindly fellating nfts
I was just out in Seattle and they had the monorail, Light rail, buses and electrified buses. Worked nice. Went where we wanted it to go.
The ringing in his ears may go away someday.
Damn good thing the guy didn’t have Covid-19.
“Do better”
“This guy you’re reporting about isn’t even an Activision-Blizzard employee anymore.”
He was when he was posting that shit, though, so I’m genuinely curious why you think this matters, at all.
I dunno. I’m all about awareness of these shitty humans so their ability to make space in the industry shrinks.
Nah it’s good this chud is reported on.
Let me enlighten you: Geoff Fraizer, a former early Blizzard employee who was responsible for much of the company’s web content over the past 23 years, has been posting bigoted and hateful messages in a Discord server going back to May 2021.
That was my inital reaction to the article as well. Upon further reflection I think the point the article doesn’t do a good job of making is that the shitty bro culture that dominated Activision-Blizzard for so long was a welcoming habitat for toxic assholes like this guy. I would find it very difficult to believe…
I built a PC with my son earlier this year… that he has been using for Roblox. He tells me today chipotle killed roblox and is already playing some game he asked me to buy called Subnautica on Steam. I’m very happy.
I don’t think anyone could blame you for not being able to play it, considering what you’ve been going through all this time. I wish you and your father the best of luck with however much time he has left :)