I’ve been eventually dumped or rejected or made to feel like shit in some capacity by almost every dude I’ve ever fucked or wanted to fuck and yet somehow I’ve managed to never mass murder
I’ve been eventually dumped or rejected or made to feel like shit in some capacity by almost every dude I’ve ever fucked or wanted to fuck and yet somehow I’ve managed to never mass murder
I can’t imagine what the friends and family of all those wounded and killed are going through today. I can’t begin to comprehend what his mother is going through today. Thoughts and prayers for everyone effected by this.
It’s actually nice to see people actually angry at the American “Prison for Profit” system. I doubt we’ll see any long term changes, but it’s comforting that my long-lived outrage at the whole thing is shared for just a moment.
Who says protesting doesn’t bring results?
I only buy goat cheese that was made by free-range prisoners, up for parole for good behavior. Otherwise I can’t sleep at night.
I do not understand and never will understand why fraternities and sororities continue to exist. I just don’t. I think what I really don’t understand the MOST is why anyone WANTS to go to these parties. I’m old now, for sure, but even when I was in college it just didn’t appeal. I don’t get it.
I think the opposite, that the older Harry gets the more he looks like his father’s side.
“We need children” then I guess we need to let the Central American refugees in?
Is it okay that I want him to have an ass baby? I want him to have nine full months of cramps, stretch marks, morning sickness, blood clots, sore, leaking nipples, incontinence, sleep deprivation and...fear. I want him to be terrified and rightfully so. I want him to face his horror with a full term human coming out…
Yes, in particular wanted to support your argument that sometimes parents can be bad for their children, ESPECIALLY when those parents don’t want them (for myriad reasons, not all heartless, but possibly financial, emotional, time, priorities, etc. etc.).
Yes, she does deserve all the wines! My god, it sounds a lot like the week I spent with my parents this summer. **shudders** My therapist says I don’t have to go back. **takes a gulp of wine** But I know I will.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKLAHOMA where the wind comes sweepin’ down the plain...
It’s always said but is worth repeating. If you wanna lose weight you can....Eat less processed foods, add more whole foods to your diet and pick a workout of your choice. I promise it’s not as hard as it sounds. The wraps, teas and other shit that will dehydrate the hell out of you in an effort to help you “lose…
Yes, please. I will help him lick his fingers.
They do realize that she wasn’t jailed for living out her Christian faith, right? She was jailed for not doing her fucking job and preventing others from doing theirs as well. How hard is that to understand? Sure, when she was elected she didn’t think she’d have to issue marriage licenses for same-sex couples because…
STOP! STOP! ROFLMBO! Yall are killing it in this thread. I haven’t laughed this hard in years! YEARS! Need to right a book based only on these comments!
I AM DONE WITH THESE PEOPLE. Hate abortion? Don’t have one! Feel your white person narrowly defined hatred laced Christianity is being threatened? Get your shit and go find an island to live on where you can perpetuate and grow your lunacy like your nutcase forefathers did. Don’t want to do that? THEN SIT DOWN, SHUT…
I suffered Catholic school long enough to at least be able to answer this - Hitler can repent before he dies as long as he is actually and truly sorry (which only God would know). Since he wouldn’t have enough time to confess and perform penance on earth, he’d have to suffer in purgatory for a time before entering…