
If I’m reading this right, this was really the only way out for them after the allegations blew up and the accused player was so thoroughly vindicated. Public pressure and apologizing seems to be a very different beast in Korea - if they’d refused to apologize they might have been basically driven out by other players

God this story just keeps getting more tangled. He’s a terrorist! He’s a self-loathing gay man! He’s a homophobe! He’s an American! He’s a wife-beater! He’s a racist! He’s an attention-seeker! He’s an aspiring police officer!

Then they clearly didn’t pay attention to this:

A guy at work just had a baby and sent around a photo. Universal opinion: “That is not a baby, that is a 1930s gangster born with full working knowledge of bootlegging, cement shoes, and rigging Tammany Hall.” It’s astounding.

Keep your lies simple and base them in truth. Pattern the lie on something you’ve actually experienced, so you can answer follow-ups confidently and without figuring the answer out as you’re saying it. Don’t put yourself in a position that needs corroboration. If possible, partially fulfill future-based lies to

Try White House Black Market, if you’re looking for fitted and work-appropriate. I have a white t-shirt from there that works with everything, mainly because it’s not bloody see-through.

Yes. Kids from that high school definitely learned block format back then.

Thank god for the Interrupting Swedes.

I understand that movies and books aren’t usually single-topic, but honestly I saw this as more of a euthanasia story than a disability story. Another commenter notes that euthanasia is a lot more top-of-mind in the UK where this was produced, and that’s a very valid contextual point to make - American audiences

This asshole dad thinks a lot of shitty things. Unfortunately, the shitty thing he’s being accused of by JE Rich is pretty much the one thing he ISN’T thinking.

Unfortunately it’s a manufactured point, courtesy of a rage-stoking blogger.

No. JE Rich has misleadingly paraphrased what the father actually wrote.

Okay, look - the letter is reprehensible and clearly shows where Turner’s lack of responsibility comes from, but this is bullshit writing, JE Rich:

My ballet teacher trained under Balanchine and never let any of us forget it - no Princess Day for us. Just endless reminders that physical changes that come with puberty are not inevitable, and are in fact surmountable through sheer will and determination.

I get the resistance to the language she uses, but... it feels like she uses it genuinely, whereas the resistance to it is based in us hearing it co-opted by fakes. She says spiritual and she means it, someone else says it as shorthand for “seriously profound and I’m trying to impress on you that it’s so much more

Eric Roberts.

Don’t forget state healthcare! That one was a good one.

Decentralize the Games. Have a smallish permanent Olympic village in Greece for opening and closing ceremonies (featuring segments from the selected countries), then have the individual events and competitors inundate select cities at a much more reasonable rate (and a smaller, more visible scale for graft).

I hope that we all stay the fuck out of it until the courts sort this shit out.