Those people are the woooooooorst. It’s like their brains can’t accept how terrible they are at emergencies, and as a defense mechanism they try to create a timeline where they were fantastic.
Those people are the woooooooorst. It’s like their brains can’t accept how terrible they are at emergencies, and as a defense mechanism they try to create a timeline where they were fantastic.
He looks like a guy who learned early on that he was incapable of sympathy or empathy, so spent a lot of practicing a “sympathic” expression in a mirror, and then one day it froze that way.
Sith Lord goes to the vet?
It’s mostly problematic because anyone with any involvement in LGBT rights knows Reagan’s history with AIDS. So this goes beyond misspeaking - it’s a statement that is so massively at odds with the entire history of LGBT that it should have been impossible for an ally to even frame those sentences. Your brain would…
They’re kind of interesting. Most of the time I’d think their synchronous talking was a gimmick for this new segment, but... It seems more likely that it developed organically between them as a preference. And so now they speak like that and obviously are doing it on a partly-conscious level, but maybe not totally…
I have not entered the Mom Wars yet, but based on years of relationship management, you’re right to be sensitive about how your adult interference might filter down to them. Some of the approaches here made me wince - not because they’re behavior unbecoming a lady, but because they come across as lectures and probably…
But what you DO know is pretty horrifying: that entire families can vanish into prisons, that your neighbors are constantly monitoring you, and the amount of Chinese and South Korean media circulating in the country (never mind radio) means that it’s extremely hard to be completely sheltered.
God, as if it didn’t suck enough already to be North Korean, then this happens. Poor guys.
If she needs backup, it’s available:
Oh god, it’s scary I can ID that GIF no problem.
If it was that cold, it sounds like she got locked in the attic (I’m calling bullshit on it being thoroughly searched) and then developed hypothermia. In the late stages of hypothermia, you feel incredibly feverish and hot and many take off their clothes.
Stephen Collins played the pastor father on a show hyped as the most family-friendly option possible. Just going off of TV show content, 7th Heaven should definitely be facing the same boycott fate as The Cosby Show.
Yeeeeessss... I think both things are true. If I’m reading this right, you’re saying that in the current system, fewer women make it through the university gatekeeping system to even get to “co-worker” status in high-powered jobs. And I think you’re right.
My mom recently went off on this. She and my dad met at work, and she was listing all of the women they’d known at their workplace who were technically “secretaries” but who were actually running the entire damn business.
One of the biggest and most valid issues that people have with progressive liberalism in 2016 is there is absolutely no fucking margin of error ever. Ever.
Like there are two separate times where she tells a story about how racist her father is. What was that??
BITE YOUR TONGUE! Tosh is a juvenile Vine clip made flesh. Joel is at least witty sometimes.
My mom wishes she knew Cherry Jones, and has had her on my indie radar since I was about 11 years old.
What did he say?