
Do... Do you think that superhero stories are the only American comics? Do you think that people can only read superhero comics OR non-genre work? Oh child...

Oh Romantic-era art! I referred to Renaissance paintings, but yours is much more accurate.

I was actually shocked at how Hawkeye-centric a lot of the film seemed to be. RE: Those theater goons, it’s sad that YouTube film criticism lacks any formal education in cinema, only going for the biggest films and most surface-level, unemotional flaws.

This requires a Thor/Darryl-esque DVD extra.

It’s not like this happens in every movie screening. Opening weekend, with the biggest fans, yeah, there’s going to be a pop. Sometimes it’s annoying, sometimes it really gets you into it. You should see the audience reaction videos from India on YouTube. Hell, even my Oslo audience went crazy for the New Asgard intro.

I sort of appreciated that he did indeed look a little closer to the mythological Thor/an actual Viking warrior.

I just check out of paying attention to consistencies, the second time travel gets involved. Like that scene in The Spy Who Shagged Me, where they discuss it and just say, “Don’t think too hard about it”.

I actually threw my hands in the air, partly because it was an amazing callback and partly because I couldn’t believe how flat the audience was.

I haven’t seen Wrinkle (although I want to). Considering that it cost $100M (not including marketing), debuting at #2 with only $33M seems like not a success in the short term, and possibly long-term, if studios use it as an excuse to deny women of color opportunities to direct blockbusters. Am I correct in that line

I generally don’t like anime. That said, I just watched Porco Rosso, which was my first Miyazaki film, and I loved it. I followed it up with Arietty, which I thought was OK. Now I’m set to watch In This Corner of the World, which I think will be interesting.

I think “pie” is mostly a northeast thing, but Chicago-style pizza is actually a form of pie.

El Segundo has a surprising amount of good food.

I like Paisano’s in Hermosa (just down the street from me!). Others prefer Mickey’s Deli, just down the street from Paisano’s, but I don’t dig it as much (but it’s even closer to me).

Hey Dick, I’d like to see an article talking about those water flavorings. I use Mio now, but am considering just switching to squeezing a lime into my liter bottle every morning. Although maybe that citric acid wouldn’t be great for teeth?

I’ve seen a study that it’s great for endurance runners, as well. I prefer a regular protein drink after lifting, though. Although I’m drinking a fair amount of water in the gym. I sweat like nobody’s business.

I had questions about the efficiency and speed of charging as well.

Originally I always saw it pitched to and by fitness people on Instagram, but it now seems like they’re expanding. I don’t mind it or Arctic Zero (who I shilled on my OWN fitness Instagram), but quality ice cream it ain’t. It works pretty good for me though, since I try to limit calories in training and it still

I think you’re trying to quantify morality and taking an absolutist view, the former of which is an exercise in futility. In the case of looting food when there is a disaster, I think a good barometer might be “Have there been lives lost? Is your life or lives close to you at risk?” But as always, who among us is fit

Look, I’m not going to call you names, like a these people, but I will say this: There’s the law, and then there’s what’s right.

Holy shit, man. That one got me.