
Ashton Eaton. I think you mixed him up with Bryan Clay, another decathlete. But +1 for the T&F reference. I was telling friends of mine something similar. Basically, Christian Coleman decimated the NFL combine record for 40yd after John Ross broke it earlier this year and challenged Bolt. Coleman went in the next week

Just tell them you have to leave as soon as you get there. Problem solved.

If you only want to play one Pokemon game, I’d say yes. This or possibly Emerald, if you want a complete stand-alone. On the other hand, part of what make Gold/Silver so great are that they’re the only direct sequels to another game (Red/Blue). I would start at the original (or their remakes) and go on to Gold/Silver.

What really helped me for my last half marathon was HIIT running. 4-6x400m and 2-4x800m (with 2-4min breaks between runs) surprisingly improved my time. I actually only did a single long run in the month leading-up to my race (9mi that wiped me out). I’m not a Crossfitter by any means, but I have noticed quite a few