
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Kid got some toys. Big whoop. Did they talk about the Snyder Cut?

I’m sorry, they want to introduce a male Hulk? Typical SJW bullshit. We already have She-Hulk, but for political correctness sake they have to make some cheap knock-off character to keep the males happy. Why not come up with some original characters instead of ruining a great superheroine that everyone already loves?


I was really excited to see G-Force on there. For all of a split second. Then I remembered there’s that damn movie about smart hamsters...

I went to Catholic school and when the allegations became public, I was in high school and our Bible study class asked the priest in charge what he thought about said allegations and he said and I quote: “I’ll have to take the side of the diocese.” We were struck silent and that’s an accomplishment. He couldn’t even

I had to listen to my Catholic in laws and friends gush last week about how great the March for Life was, how great Trump’s speech was, how they loved a sign they saw that said “A person’s a person no matter how small,” and it took every ounce of self-control not to scream at them about how if they actually cared

And this is just in the USfuckingA.

Me! On my way home, I’ll periodically pick up a burrito at the Chipotle near Davis Square where I transfer from the T to my bus. There are even a number of excellent locally owned restaurants nearby where I could get a significantly better meal for a comparable price. I feel like I should be ashamed of myself, but

stop misusing the censorfish Mike, it’s not an arrow. I thought that guy went on stage with another kind of pocket monster for a moment there...

I just can’t get over how insulting the “I need a wife” part is. Certainly as a successful, powerful, wealthy woman, whereas that’s historically been a men-only realm, she above anyone should understand that gender roles do not determine life-roles???

Have they considered writing the Friends into the upcoming Avatar sequels? That way, many of the things that no one really wants could all be wrangled into one tedious event.

Better Call Saul

...half of Godfather II, I guess?

I’m someone who has been in the same general situation (if apparently not quite so crippling and panic-attacky) as the second letter writer but has had a bit longer to learn to deal with it. Therefore, I feel I can confidently assert that a fairly large amount of what his friends are saying/complaining about regarding

Do cable TV celebrities also confuse you as a concept?

“What role is Kevin James gonna play?”
“Ha ha, very funny... Trotsky.”

Now playing

In Bob Chapman’s review of Uncut Gems, he spends the first minute of the post-promo video just repeating the phrase “Academy Award Nominee Adam Sandler”, because there’s a reaaaaal good chance of that happening and we’ve all gotta get used to that...

Adam Sandler is a character Daniel Day-Lewis has been playing for nearly 30 years.

Sometimes the YouTube comments bless us with a gem:

Folgers in the Attic.