
Nice slam Kareem! Take that Kareem!

I feel like this is the most insane anecdote of the article. Dude just abandoned his wife and minutes old child. 

Does anyone really say “lit” anymore? I feel like we have long since entered a time when TVs and movies include adults saying “lit” to show that it is no longer cool to use that word. 

I think the Rock is to blame for almost all the problems of his movies, and not because of his acting. He’s a bad producer. All of his movies are CG heavy and look terrible, making the action completely weightless. All of his movies have tonal whiplash that never commit to either being silly or serious. All of his

Where do you even start with what went wrong. I think releasing the above picture and announcing several slated films was so damn presumptuous. Tom Cruise was about 30 years too old to play the lead in the Mummy. Alex Kurtzman had no directorial experience. One of your main writers came from the F&F franchise, which

I still can’t believe this site gave The Predator a positive review. It is such a total and complete mess while also demeaning to people with mental illnesses. What the fuck guys.

Michael Bay produced this movie and I just know there is going to be a wildly inappropriate sexual reference in it. I just know it. 

JA Bayona should not be advertised as the director of Jurrasic World Fallen Kingdom, dude has some legit gems on his resume. The Orphanage and The Impossible are absolutely worth visiting if you haven’t 

No snark here, can anyone provide an explanation as to why Kawhi would join the Lakers? He got to be The Man in Toronto and walk through the East. He’s got rings so he doesn’t need to join a superteam to chase them. What does he have to gain here?

I remember being a bit upset (hard to be truly upset about something so silly, but) about the fact that the AV club gives away the premise of Climax so freely. I remember seeing the title to their review and really being disappointed that I wasn’t able to experience the inciting the incident with the characters. I’m

Arrival bet yes same sentiment, she’s awesome

I love how the Pool Boys anger has boiled over. It’s such a ridiculous thing to get upset about. 

As much as I don’t want to subscribe to another streaming platform, I feel obligated to. Every Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar and classic Disney blu ray is at least $20 a piece. 

I heard this album when I was a young teen and this was the one that made me realize that there is more music than what you hear on the radio. This was the album that got me into indie rock, I’m deeply in debt to Bloc Party. 

Pic pic, hooray!

This is an admittedly stupid question. Can the Sonic in the film be fixed or are we stuck with it as the final product?

This is great work, truly. 

15k words, and that’s just one sentence

I’d like to think he used the word “pedestrian” in a 200 word run on sentence that also praises Gerard Delofeu for some reason

Chris Hemsworth is an excellent comedic actor, which I’m guessing Marvel didn’t know when they hired him. He’s got great timing and range and Ragnarok allowed him to stretch those muscles, which extended into what I’d argue were the best parts of Infinity War. I hope they let him continue being goofy.