
Frankly, there's stuff I posted last week that I probably am already ashamed by.

I'm unendorsing O'Neal and will be writing in Barsanti.

To be honest, the scary thing here is how normal he sounds considering he IS an undecided. I took comfort in assuming the undecideds were woodland creatures who surfaced every four years to give everyone panic attacks.

I finished this article and scrolled back up to comment on the amusingly disparate tone of the jokey headline and the very smart, well-reasoned, sympathetic article, only to see that Sean wrote this, and of course he did.

This probably isn't the case, because it'd be anticlimactic, but that line almost got me wondering if he's still on their side, essentially acting as a beta tester for the park. Just constantly pushing the limits, trying to find new ways to break it, so that the main crew can patch it accordingly — and then perhaps

I feel like I need to memorize this post for purposes of taking down this nonsense whenever it rears its head.

Yeah, I'm a little baffled by this section:

I was saying afterwards, it would've been more realistic to make her a veteran high school history teacher with a Wikipedia compulsion—that would at least explain the absurd, insane breadth of knowledge.

Oh boy, maybe it's because I'm a history professor's son, but I hope they very quickly puncture the idea that a history professor would know about every period of history, in detail, down to the kinds of fabrics that would've been available at the time.

Another book: Dandelion Wine, my God.

This doesn't really sound outside the bounds of normal office behavior. If you've got a coworker who regularly makes your job harder, would it be that crazy to complain about them with your friends/other coworkers you were close to?

Was this meant to be posted earlier? Manuel's last show was two nights ago, not last night…

I think it veers toward that at points, but for all his "I'm sure they find me just as crazy!" talk, he's pretty unflinching about the racism that underpins the movement. Hell, he ends the article flat out saying he thinks Trump could mean the end of our democracy. I don't see much "It's both sides' fault"—if

Not just an old man! Denis Lavant, of Holy Motors fame!

Identity rhymes! You happen to be a Guywhothinksstuff that I agree with.

One of my favorite O'Neal newswires around that time referred to ABC as being short for "A Bitch Concealed." They really got a kick out of that trend, for some reason.

Yes, I wish it were clearer to people that "yelling fire in a crowded theater" is almost not even an example — it is the literal exception to free speech, almost exclusively. Speech that could eventually, down the road, lead to harm is protected.

Thanks for looking into it! I'll manage to be content with my free, super-limited copy of an excellent soundtrack, I think.

Since you're maybe-sort-of fielding questions, I had one I've been too shy to ask.

The first Avengers didn't pay much, but the second: