
I don't know that it's necessarily realism as much as taking advantage of the qualities inherent to film. I seem to recall him referring specifically to montage and the ability to continue songs over various locations/times as a thing he wished more filmed musicals took advantage of, for example.

A few months out and I'm still wowed by how good a send-off this record is. Would that all our great artists spent their final year so well.

While symbolically appropriate, ripping the WM business card in half did seem like an amusingly insensitive way to pitch the idea to him. Can't imagine that helped with the heartbreak.

I think it's the dreary setting of the Killing — I remember at the time being shocked any time I saw her doing press or out at awards shows and things like that. It kind-of-sort-of made me like the Killing a little more for how ordinary they made her look.

"Another Monday morning, another round of headlines about how John Oliver “destroyed” something. However,"

In most cities, if you see one movie a weekend, you make back your monthly cost, and you can see a movie per day. I can't stump hard enough for MoviePass. Been using it two years and I now almost exclusively see movies in the theater. But I'm also in LA, where revival theaters are semi-plentiful and theaters are close

You go back through reviews of Gilmore Girls in various places and it's shocking to see how hated the "charmingly eccentric" nature of Stars Hollow is. People hate Taylor, they hate Kirk, they hate the (perceived) over-quirkiness of the town.

I saw this in a preview screening last summer — don't know how much it's changed, but I thought it was really pretty wonderful. Highly recommended.

I think they're using the new definition of anthology series, in which each season tells a new story.


Millennial is generally seen as 1980-2000, right? In which case, boomers could be about 30-40 when they had their kids, which isn't especially late… obviously moreso as you near 40.

Apparently Run Like Mad was originally going to be the theme song but had to be swapped out for… I forget why. Maybe the WB wanted something more current and chart-y?

I'm wondering he means they don't have a specific contract for this movie? I.e. Craig is still on the hook for a 5th movie (per… ) but they haven't yet got the specifics of payment etc.?

I'm trying to figure out where the author got, "despite no longer having Craig under contract."

Pandora is a nice way to discover new music, or good for parties if you're looking for a specific vibe!

I really read that scene as, "Yeah, here's her boss, who might be a jerk but is also a woman who clawed her way to the top by being as tough as she needed to be. If SHE—and don't forget that she was Ally McBeal, too!—if SHE thinks 'girl' is empowering then it must be."

Some shows have definitely overused the "and nobody ever finds out that they're super-powered!" device, to the point of annoyance. But I agree, I don't think throwing away the device altogether is the solution.

And then capping it off with, essentially, "And by the way, feminists who find the word 'girl' patronizing, YOU'RE the problem!!!! Not us we're just an empowering TV show."

I actually love how they did it. The movie treats her about as fairly as he does, right down to his consideration of her feelings and of being an actual human being: zero.

Also legitimate questions surrounding the circumstances of the assassination, like why Oswald, an outspoken defector to the Soviet Union, would be let back into the country a few years later, not subject to any questioning, and then given aid by the government to resettle and build a life.