
This is the sort of place where the local small-town newspaper is still relevant, where finding the oldest resident in town might be your best way to get answers about the identity of the mysterious statue in the town square, and where the biggest court cases involve divorce.

@avclub-5729ca33ae94a781cb6466b86979fa06:disqus THANK YOU.

I did also have this thought, but the review seems to suggest it does better by the premise than that.

The only good Dylan Dog movie ever made. Too bad they still had to cut out Groucho.

Oh my God, yes.  I came to the series through the TV show (and Duncan will always be the real Highlander for me) and even now, with more discerning eyes, I still have a big old soft spot in my heart for this series.

I think that actually is the joke in the Lear quote.

Couldn't agree more. I loved this scene as much as everyone here, but Jesus, next year can this show go back to NOT being 8 episodes of meandering, aimless BS followed by one big episode and then a denouement? First two seasons had a drive to the narrative that has been sorely lacking this year, while everyone just

Ahhh, interview!!!! I have to think of my questions!

Ooh, are you guys talking about Next Week on Mad Men??

I'm so pleased! Nathan for You is outstanding, I just watched the finale last night. Jeselnik is all right, but my roommate loves it so that's something.

I'm late to your lateness, but I will say that I applied to a good number of schools, with varying degrees of prestige, and I had similar SAT scores to Amber, and also mediocre high school grades… and I didn't get into a single school. Landed on my feet, fortunately, but this storyline is totally believable for me.

Don't know about it being my FAVORITE, but yeah, Fantasies never really worked for me like their preceding three albums. All of those are contenders for their best, in my opinion. Don't know what it was about Fantasies that never worked for me, but apparently it's the album that a lotta people discovered them through,

I really miss 22 episode seasons. Buffy is a very different show if you just cut it down to the arc-centric episodes. A worse show.

Fox tried that technique, longer episodes with ad time sold at a premium, for Fringe and Dollhouse season one. It… didn't work. Which is sad, because it's a wonderful idea. Though Joss Whedon said it put a lot of extra stress on the team because they weren't given extra days to shoot the material or anything.

First-Timers' Thread

I can't figure out Netflix's deal re: music.  They have the right music for the Quantum Leap season 2 finale, for example, while the DVDs had the replace it with muzak.  So I always figured that they must be sliding by on some sort of "reruns" technicality or SOMETHING that hadn't accounted for streaming.

The art was fantastic, agreed.  Those last four or so pages, when Taj finds the man in her apartment, were just beautiful.  And the colors during the city chase sequence at the beginning… yow!

Look, I'm not saying I'm the coolest guy around, but I MAY have printed this comic on legal paper from the office printer and bound it using our binding machine so that I could keep a physical copy with the rest of my comics at home.

The Bad Sleep Well, for me.  Probably my favorite film of his.  High and Low is also an excellent suggestion.  Or Ikiru, if you're in the mood for depression.

Yeah, I definitely don't mean this as a knock to Bunheads, which has given me more joy than a lot of other shows lately, especially in its most recent 8-episode run.  It's just not quite living up to GG (which, of course, is one of my all-time favorite shows, so maybe it just never stood a chance to begin with).