I would DVR every episode of a Norm MacDonald Tonight Show.
I would DVR every episode of a Norm MacDonald Tonight Show.
Ahh, the writers' strike. Terrible time for scripted dramas and writers in general, but a golden era for late-night shows.
I've only read Portnoy's Complaint, but I read it entirely in Woody Allen's voice. Loved it!
Agreed on all points. Plus the show introduced me to Mark Valley, though admittedly a sort of bland version of him.
Yeah, these are always the ones that bug me.
Funnily enough, I became interested in this show through Supernatural, actually. The part of the show that really appealed to me was the roadtrip across the country, and I was eager to find another example of that (and one that didn't frequently lose sight of it).
Oftentimes a pilot alone is a poor indication of whether a show will actually be good. Reviewing the first three episodes at once gives them a more fair chance to offer helpful direction and judgment.
@avclub-dc10fce584f2cdf09d6690e0f2883227:disqus I've been following this saga on Twitter and am pleased you're taking it out for a spin. Especially because now I have a specific episode to look forward to… though to be honest? If B5 stayed at this level of quality for the rest of the show, I'd still stick around.…
My girlfriend has never seen the show, but she and I still have a running joke of yelling "MISTER GARIBALDI" to each other because she was nearby when I watched the opening of Midnight on the Firing Line.
Ahh, noted. Thanks!
I got into this show a couple years ago and was skeptical. First episode or two don't really hit the tone that they're going for, totally. But each episode of the series, literally, is better than the last.
First Timers' Thread
I think it ultimately comes to if you think, per Slings and Arrows, Macbeth is a play that teaches about evil, or just shows it to us.
@avclub-ee3dd1c2669f11eabe41d99571167c74:disqus I love, love, love S5, but I also agree that season 2 really seems to get the shaft. My roommate watched it about a decade ago and in his mind, it was just "Angel is mopey for a while, and then they go to Pylea and then season 3 starts and the show finally gets good."…
Boyd twist nearly ruined what was becoming something really phenomenal. As @avclub-0108709d613bc1d1db7e5c2b5f02c657:disqus said, it's a great idea in theory. But the character just didn't have the motivation to back it up. Plus, once he was revealed to be evil, he just completely flipped. Not even a hint of who he…
Yeah, Whedon shows are essentially my main argument against the increasingly-conventional wisdom that shorter seasons are necessarily better. Buffy season 2 has some whiffs, but I wouldn't be willing to reduce it to 13 episodes. And it would be absolutely torturous to try and cut out almost half of season 3.
My girlfriend introduced me to it, after I spent half a year forcing her to watch everything Joss Whedon had ever made. This was a year or so after it went off the air, so I caught up all on DVD over about two years.
Yes, I was always a big fan of Max. I'm not particularly a hater of any of Lorelai's relationships—though the **SPOILER**return to Christopher is annoying at the end of show**END SPOILER**—but this was possibly my favorite.
I like both of these episodes a lot. The deer thing always, always, always makes me laugh.
That goddamn Variety link won't work for me, and I've tried like forty different times from different sources, tried going to Variety itself to find the news, and I can't get it to work! It just says page not found.