
Bet NBC wishes they had AfterMASH now!

Yeah, but with a movie you really do get more for your money (not saying that the price always accurately reflects the value of what you get, but that's another issue).  There's always something in a film that you just don't have enough $$$ to do, even if it's as simple as not eating Subway every day on-set for a

Looks like Party Down's budget was a little under $750k an episode.  So, maybe not a whole season.  But you could make a couple great wrap-up episodes.

I can't figure out why nobody is supporting my petition to bring back Friends, though.

I think part of it is a had-to-be-there sort of thing.  Not that you can't love it, coming to the show later, but it feels sort of like Buffy in that for a lot of people (myself included) it's tied to a specific time in their life.

So, which one will star Toby Jones?


I think the revelation itself makes a lot of sense and is very cool, and has some cool story potential down the road—I more just reacted to the suddenness of the explanation.  Which makes more sense, as explained above, knowing that it would've been parceled out a bit more had Sinclair stuck around.

I'm just making my way through Twin Peaks now, so I'm looking forward to some Jacoby-related cognitive dissonance.  Woohoo!

First Timers' Thread


Ending was okay, but disappointing.  Felt very, "Well, here are your loose ends, and here are the more-or-less predictable ways to tie them up."  Not the GG was ever a plot-twist kinda show, but I was hoping for something a little less by-the-numbers.

"Yes. I have very important thickening needs, thank you."

Jesus.  I feel so bad for her.

I keep rereading this post and laughing because of how that was the only thing I took away from the article.  I just kept rereading that sentence, trying to figure it out.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus It's funny how quickly that becomes second nature.  I spent 19 years of my life in Missouri, referring to highways by just their number, saying things like, "Yeah, take 44 West" or "I think it's off Highway 40."  Within a month of living in Los Angeles, every new highway

Well, yeah.  I'm the biggest fan of Joss Whedon you'll find, but racial diversity ain't his strong suit :\

Haha, I thought I was the only one waiting for the AV Club post about this.  I AM SO EXCITED.