
Damon Young at the Root summed this up pretty well in his piece on Monday.

I don’t agree 100% with anyone but myself.

So, who exactly is betting on Futures matches? If everyone knows that cheating is rampant, the only people placing bets are people who think they are on the winning-side of cheating.

I’m glad to just be a non-celebrity boring midwest mom because I fall for that “it’s a bunch of women and we share experiences and support each other” crap all the time. But in my world, it just means I get stuck going to a lot of MLM parties rather than being recruited for a sex cult. Although to be honest, I’d

Catch up! This season was excellent and the finale was jaw dropping in the best way possible.

As an Asian, I feel like I should support this movie because Asians are not believed to be able to lead movies ...

with the talented Katie Holmes


Literally the only thing I remember about that movie is his hair.

I think they’re supposed to be handsome but I don’t like their faces. There’s something off. (Yes, this is shallow and bitchy. I own that.)

Brad Pitt in a cowboy hat is really doing it for me.

Couldn’t they just hire an actress who is already that size? I mean, Charlize is good, but like. I’m sure there’s tons of amazing actresses who never get roles because they are over size 4. (Apart from the amazing actresses who are starving themselves to stay skinny just to get/keep roles. Hire one of them and they


I had my cat for 19 years. Yesterday was the one year anniversary of his death at 21. I lived with that cat longer than anyone.

These jabs are great and all, but this motherfucker was still part of the reason Trump won. The whole hand size thing...can dudes stop thinking about their dicks for like 2 seconds?

I’ve read this story three times and I still can’t figure out what the fuck is going on. I’m just going to assume that all three of these people are probably assholes.

I feel the same way about the martini.

Today is Liechtenstein turn.