
LeVar Burton and Ta Nehisi Coates need to appear in Kanye’s bedroom some night dressed as ghosts and make Ye read some damn books.

I often try to pinpoint the moment when “everyone is entitled to their opinions” somehow erroneously morphed into “everyone’s opinion is entitled to respect.” Because NO.

Credit to Van for responding, in the moment and in the face a huge celebrity and icon and not backing down and still delivering some really real shit to Kanye’s face.

If it was meant for people to know exactly what it meant, it wouldn’t have been so cryptic.”

If it’s only for a small circle of your friends, don’t post it on twitter. Why are these supposedly adult people behaving like 15-year-olds in the early days of facebook?

I see. I also have a son that needs a prom date. Apparently, we have to fight. Monkey bars, 3:00. Be there.

It wouldn’t surprise me if most of them are outearning their men (Kylie was definitely outearning Tyga when that was a thing).

Exactly. You don’t need to show a personal conversation to prove that people are disagreeing with your decision. And “I will stand my ground” is what arrogant assholes say when they don’t want to understand other people’s opinions.

John was cool about it but what a dick move to post a text message. If John wanted to speak publicly he would have responded on Twitter. John was acting as a friend and Kanye shit on him.

I would love to be a fly on the wall at their dinner this Friday so I could hear what she has to say to Kanye in private about this MAGA crap.

Did you see the little thing with John trying on outfits and then face timing them to her for her critique? I won’t ruin it for you but the end just had me dying!

Her Twitter is one of my happy places. And give me her and John over Kimye (wanna barf just typing that) any time.

We definitely need more people on this earth with the wit and kindness of her and John.

Goddamn Angela Bassett is so fucking beautiful

“Think freely. Think with empathy and context too. Your words and actions have consequences.”

I knew when I changed my name to Secondmosthigh Praisejesus I was aiming too low.

I’ve seen her do this bit in person and it’s amazing. She points to the ladies in the audience and is like “we’ve all been graped, right ladies?” and you just hear every woman in the room like “yyyyyyup.” And then she let’s it sit for a second and says something to the dudes. I don’t remember what exactly she said,

I had Mosthigh Thankgod taking it all, and I am FURIOUS at how early that name was eliminated.


Mosthigh Thankgod was robbed and shoutout to Salami Blessing. Respect to Ghostkeeper for fighting through what was CLEARLY the toughest region.