
Caity Weaver is a goddamn national treasure.

Right? They’re children, not limited edition items to collect.

She stayed with him because she’s a greedy fucking monster. Let’s not pretend that the women who married into this disgusting family are victims. They haven’t always only known what we all know - they’ve always known MORE.

The slow build up to T’challa’s potato salad solution was everything...but we know Shuri would have totally rocked Black Jeopardy better than her big brother.

The only thing that can spoil this is if Mark Wahlberg somehow winds up playing him in the movie.

Damn thats messed up, that food looked hella good though.

During my unlimited time off, I am confident that we could develop a new system for disposing of human waste... but I don’t think it’s going to end that way. Y’all messed up.

This is so stupid. #justiceforthebees

As a recovering alcoholic, I see a lot of the signs of a classic alcoholic mindset in Ben Affleck. It makes me sad for him. There’s always a sense that you’re not good enough. No accolade, no pleasure, no profit is ever enough to fill the hole inside, so you just keep seeking out that new job, or new award, or new

goddamnit I am already in a state of mild panick trying to find a dress to wear to my sister’s wedding and now this

Counterpoint: she’s a national treasure in the making.

Quick question. Am I the only one in the world who does not find Tom Hardy attractive?? It can’t just be it. It just can’t.

Do not trick me into clicking on a source again thinking it’s going to be a long overdue update on MC Hammer just to feel disappointment when I discover it’s actually about Armie Hammer. I do not give a fuck about Armie Hammer’s tracksuit.

Maybe we can start a new “Will It Instant Pot” column with super easy food cooked unneccesarily in an Instant Pot. Start, first, with a bowl of Fruity Pebbles.

I just don’t understand the continued fascination or indulgence in Sean Penn. Why is he getting booked on Colbert? I mean, sure, go on Marc Maron’s podcast. Go on Joe Rogan’s podcast. Go on whatever podcast you want and then ironically complain about the amount of content out there as you hock your vanity project that

In other words she continues to be a parent to her children and love them no matter how old they are - as most parents do - and he doesn’t give a fuck about them now they’re old enough to see he is a douche and no longer worship the ground he walks on.

Why should she? She’s made it pretty clear their relationship is tenuous and mostly financial at best. She doesn’t actively support him except in situations where it would have been awkward for her not to and he likely required it. I don’t see why she should have to give up his financial support because he’s the worst

Yeah, I attempt at downward facing dog and she’s either shot herself in the crotch or at minimum her gun is poking her in a sensitive area.

This chick is someone who took being a cool girl to the utmost extreme. She’s an attention whore and Louis Linton is probably her idol.