
To be fair, I would be pretty annoyed about a question regarding a backdated T.U.E. for a tournament played nearly three years ago.

I don’t get how anyone does it, except when they had #2 lined up already. Because how easy is it to find a compatible person? I don’t want to date 99.99999999 percent of humanity but I’m supposed to just find one based on their tinder photo

Women do so many small things for men that they miss immediately and so naturally they need to find another woman to ease their way through life.

Some people literally forgets how to be alone.

Did Firth bought his wife a diary?

What makes Paul Newman’s action even more interesting is that he did it without outside pressure or posturing. He really was a great guy who walked the walk in so many ways.

Arizona has been boring now for years. I’m not bummed about her, although DeLuca’s sister and the maternal mortality thing have been interesting. April is in the middle of her best storyline ever, and I’m really sad we won’t get to see her come back from this. April has shown some of the most growth on the show.

Owen has not had anything worth doing in forever. No idea why Teddy and his sister didn’t take him with them.

I would agree on Arizona. April is currently like batshit crazy and keeps spiraling further. I hated April for so long, then sometime around her hooking up with Jackson the night before her boards and starting to run the ER, she grew on me significantly. If her and Jackson aren’t getting back together I don’t know

They are still popular though. Boot out Owen, Maggie, Jo and all those terrible interns. These are unpopular characters that no one likes and no one is invested in. April is one half of the most popular coupling on the show right now.

Maybe Pompeo’s pay had nothing to do with their firing but to imply that it was only a ‘creative decision’ is bullshit. If Grey’s needed to trim down its cast, it had a lot of unimportant and unpopular characters to choose from. Owen, Maggie, Jo, all those awful new interns. These characters have either had nothing to

This is irritating. His name is Rafael and he goes by Ted and no one is supposed to say anything. But O’Rourke goes by Beto and he loses his shit. To me this says more about Rafael then Beto. Self hate is a hell of a thing.

I feel you. It’s not a good color!

I think the thing that breaks my heart the most is how much I already see this dynamic in the life of my 6 year old daughter. She goes to a school with only about 20 other black kids total and all the teachers favor her light skinned light eyed classmate. My daughter came home telling me about yet another award that

No, dude. Date whomever you want.

It’s a bit different because of the reference point. As black men, we are told by our fathers (at least myself and the people I know) “never let them (them being any non-black person) see you sweat”. Any sign of weakness could lead to being taken advantage of.

The only good thing about this article is that the comments seem to show that y’all aren’t having it.

It’s great to see these guys figuring this stuff out in their 20's. I was damn near 40 before I let go of that toxic masculinity and realized there is strength in admitting weakness.

I’m a female physician and I’ve gotten many requests to be on committees related to gender diversity, to give talks about raising a family in the medical field, to be on committees on how to promote diversity in medical research. And usually I agree to participate in these things because I understand that they’re

His dad seems/sounds like a great guy, but “don’t let anybody see you weak” seems like pretty bad advice. I mean, that is just teaching to internalize, right.