
He needs to call the lovely Jolie Kerr to find out what is the best way to wash that vest.

Nope, that’s still a lame excuse. Once everyone heard that Arie dumped Becca and got back together with Lauren, everybody would have still blamed Arie, whether or not he humiliated Becca on national television. He just did it because the producers asked him to and he said yes, because he is a spineless coward with

See, I don’t 100 percent blame him for that.

You dragged cameras around to break up with your fiancee because “it was on [you]” but you didn’t drag those cameras around when you got into contact with Lauren and worked to ensure she’d take you back BEFORE you dumped your fiancee?

“I think that the reason why I did it in the way that I did it was because I wanted everyone here and at home to know that this was on me. And it wasn’t on you.”

His bod is amazing, but I think I prefer it wrapped in a cozy sweater.

I’m going to reserve judgment on Meghan Markle until her half-sister’s ex sister-in-law’s podiatrist weighs in. That’s the only way to really know her.

If I was still wearing a retainer, I’m pretty sure I would’ve popped it during that scene, too, random internet child. In short, same girl, saaaaame.

Depression is no joke, and I think this revelation may help shut up some certain people that have said things in the past about Love’s mental toughness. If anything, he was working twice as hard keeping this behind the curtain.

Is it not all relative, though? Of course now we can say that a high infant mortality rate is not good. But most mammals probably have a higher infant mortality rate than humans, and I don’t think many would consider their existences miserable. Perhaps quite the opposite. Much of this conversation would likely hinge

There is a podcast that was suggested to me that I’ve been meaning to listen to that sounds interesting. The premise is that the discovery of grain was the worst thing to happen to humans, since it allowed us to disconnect from nature in order to sustain. This, in turn, put us on a path veering farther and farther

I am undergoing periodic panic attacks since my wife abandoned my daughter and I last year. I haven’t really talked about it much, except with my boss who has been very supportive of all my time off as I get my meds stabilized and have to make divorce court appearances.

One of my favourite things about athletes discussing mental health is that it hopefully shuts up those people who think depression isn’t real, that if only you’d exercise more you’d be fine. I fucking hate those people. I don’t take medication, nor did I undergo several rounds of ECT, because I don’t like jogging,

Honestly - the scale of the problem is beyond what therapists could probably address one on one.

My invite was so secret it looked like an opportunity to open a Mastercard account, so I threw it out.

I was there! It was crazy. I mostly just hung out on the couch watching everyone. Man, the club soda was FLOWING and the bowl of chips was OFF THE HOOK! The party lasted until the wee hours of 11:30 when I finally had to turn off the TV and go to bed.*

Came here for the Tyler Perry slander, leaves extremely satisfied

Very good summary. My response is usually just because he’s misogynistic asshole.

Nothing like ending that awesome roll you’re on by doing a Tyler Perry movie...