
The point is that Trump is a hideous demagogue using racist and xenophobic rhetoric to froth up atavistic tribal bigotries and resentments in a cynical attempt to seize the ultimate seat of American power, which he desires only to satiate his narcissistic, megalomaniacal hunger for personal dominance and that any

Guess you missed the line ending “piled on by every subsequent president for their own purposes.”

Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.

keep in mind that primes (after the number 5) can only end in 1, 3, 7, or 9

I agree, he’s probably a full blown fascist at this point. I regret the error.

It is utterly terrifying that his man is leading so far ahead in the republican primaries. He lies at every turn, makes threats against other candidates, and frequently claims ignorance about subjects that are either flat out lies or things that are inconvenient to admit because they might offend some of his