I’m going to go on record with this. I didn’t mind the ‘original’ American incarnation, once they’d gotten rid of the stupid studio segments (which are shit in the UK version too by the way) I thought it was a great way to spend an hour.
I’m going to go on record with this. I didn’t mind the ‘original’ American incarnation, once they’d gotten rid of the stupid studio segments (which are shit in the UK version too by the way) I thought it was a great way to spend an hour.
Volvo is doing so much better with money.
yay 2015 mustang nose!
How about growing a little imagination? Life would be awfully boring if we all liked the same stuff.
What’s wrong with that? Different strokes for different folks.
That’s sad man.
fuck that is just terrible all around. im sorry
Car was in shop- parts were with car- shop goes kaput creditors seize items- you get car back but not parts as you can’t identify them- ie serial #s etc- if they were attached to the car a different story alltogether
Am I hazarding a guess that you had not purchased said parts directly, but bankrolled the shop doing so. Shop goes mad sideways, shops assets seized and auctioned off to settle debts (including sweet sweet theoretical 427 Cammer meant to convert petroleum to thunder).
I’m feeling that it may have been at a shop for the restoration. The shop folded. They listed the parts as inventory, so the bank took them when they got shut down. If it were a personal fault, like bankruptcy, they would have taken the car, too.
Your FCA Ban is a wise decision. Despite the allure this spicy wagon has - it will inevitably succumb to the same things which lead you to ban FCA in the first place. Sad.
The faux gascap is absolutely a Bullitt. Guard green is gone and with 2018 being the 50th anniversary of Bullitt the movie, the stars are all aligning.
Uhh...a 160i would be insane...ly awesome.
Packaging. I love I6s, but they almost always require a long hoodline. Depending on what you are designing, especially if its a car with multiple engine choices, that may not be an option
Biggest dump I took was 2 pounds.
Icon guy is an enabler. Let the prospective clients build their own shit. Tell em to fuck off.
Tried looking for a Diablo first. Was apparently a bit before Olsson’s earning power really started to happen.