Because some bro with a complex about his genital size will buy it and write it off on the taxes for his landscaping business.
Because some bro with a complex about his genital size will buy it and write it off on the taxes for his landscaping business.
I’m assuming it has no chance for a stick to row?
Great article David!
I’d like to know just how many times you can do that 3.5 second 0-60 before the transmission breaks.
People make fun of me for my stock suspension rubicon unlimited.
As been proved many times.. no one buys a Cadillac halo car.
If DOHC then this is where they snagged it from
I’m pretty sure I heard a blower just not over that exhaust....
Is it just me or is that a giant bowtie grill ?
its that last 22 percent of water oxygen and shit that screw you... but yeah... unless race-car... negligible
Shit mine ate Dan 35cs like candy before I did an spa on 3/4 ton Dana 44s....
the difference between the hp between the s550 chassis coyote and the S197 chassis coyote was due too...... removing piston oil squirters.... are you kidding me.......
yep... has nothing to do with different cams, boss heads and valve-train with a gt intake... its all about those oil squirters...SMH
You are a ducking moron if you think ditching oil squirters made hp.
Its a gorgeous car and from what I’ve read it handles amazing.... But it’s an alfa. So, until they either fix their track record of making cars that are simultaneously amazing and crap, or, offer a 100,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty, I’m going to spend my money elsewhere.
My mom had one, it’s literally one of the best cars i’ve ever ridden in for road trips.
lol yeah... i’ll take my mezger all day long though....