
Only a hippy would drive an excessively polluting car across the country to protest how much it pollutes... Fucking morons.

That k5 still looks like cheap shit to me. Not gonna lie I feel like icon dropped the ball I mean the fenders aren’t even big enough to tuck the tires right . Usually they make the fenders concentric with the hubs wheels and tires. I guess what I’m saying is.... I feel like I could build this truck and no other icon



I think you ate either under estimating the number of trucks sold to cooperations and businesses that rely on trucks or are under estimating the number of trucks used as penis extensions.... Basically I'm. Not seeing the same market you and Honda are seeing,

why replica ?

I’m a Mensa member I try too ignore comments like because I go super douche if I don’t. We cool.

How is that illegally missused? I said borderline.

...... Hummer

Actually what I can’t wait is when someone. Picks up a load of mulch or dirt in their fwd pickup and not be able to drive out of the lot because the front wheels are so light.

More importantly what are the rest of the Svt cars the promised.

Hah aww you take a stab at my financial situation like you know me... Cute.

I did technically your prophecy is true on almost every mid or rear engined car.

Any time

Then it's not an engine bay is it ?

This is begging for an xzibit meme

then what about the LFA? imho its the most track day of the 400k super cars.

the modern engine bay... quick, cover up the engine so it’s just wires and hoses.

I’m not saying track day car. (Lfa what?)

to me this already looks like its going to be an over weight cow like the sc430 was.