Dumb question... but i wonder what the MPG on this sucker is if you drove it in commuter style... i bet it's pretty good... maybe even in the 30s
this is the only reason diesels get better mileage....
on a low profile tired car its dangerous... on a truck you elongate the contact patch..
I'm not trying to be a jerk and i know they are the experts and all.. but do they know how to drive a turbo engine?
This isn't snow tires fault... yes... they would have helped but again this is a panic reaction to slam on the brakes that cause a complete loss traction to control the direction in which the car was pointed. counter steer with some throttle again would have fixed this.
my last jeep had arbs and i used them in 1st gear 4hi a lot.... i don't use lockers in 4 hi at all.
It annoys me sometimes on some stuff... one of the roads i commute on has a "whoop" in it mid turn... and if the car didn't dry to fix it it would be nothing but at the 55 speed limit it trys to fix is and does weird…
I was being a smartass i'm a mech/aero double major.
Modern stability management and traction control.
Spontaneous decompression... it was mother nature.... those disks would have shown up had the plane been there or not.
I would have thought the most power car would have been first
Is this a cyber bully reference... I honestly didn't think that was very disrespectful.
OMG i got teh grammar nazied!!
yeah but i only use nav when i'm driving someplace i don't know where i am.. I.E. on a road trip... so i want it to know about the new 485 expansion that's open... i want it to know about all the changes that have been made in the past 7 years. so i don't end up going down a dead end road.
I hate nav systems right now. We got one in our jeep and the $220 to update it annually is crazy imho... so we drive around with a nav system that's out of date?
5.) Clydesdale
From reader saenzm:
I can agree with that...
So condensate bursts forth from the exhaust. Tires slip (albeit at a lower threshold than usual due to the cold) Driver panics, doesn't counter steer enough, clearly slams on the brakes forfeiting some traction available for the steering of the car to try to get it to stop... inevitably hits the curb flies through…