Sumayyah Hariri

-The mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, grandmas and aunts currently held up in refugee camps in Bangladesh, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and other places taking care of their children while braving lack of food, water, medicine and the menace of sex traffickers who roam the camps at night.

I have been propositioned/harassed at several work functions by my female co-workers. In these situations they are just as bad.

lol... what a dumb bitch. Seriously, what kind of mediocre, dumbass white woman do you have to be to make Chris Christie seem smart?

Never met another woman who wasnt utterly annoying after getting plastered

And not just issues of workerbees sexually assaulting other workerbees.

Yeah, it’s not just dudes who get handsy when they’ve had a few. I’ve had to fight off the aggressive advances from more than one drunk lady. Alcohol lowers inhibitions and makes bad ideas suddenly seem totally reasonable.

Hold up. You’re saying that women, with vaginas, have behaved badly? I’d walk you through how that’s impossible, but any explanation from me is automatically Mansplaining. I’m just going to go back to my mirror, and resume my self-loathing.

Yes I don’t drink either and the two drink limit seems quite reasonable to me.

I’ve seen plenty of women proposition guys for sex at boozy Christmas parties. Granted the ratio is still seriously tipped in favor of drunken guys, but it’s not at all uncommon for it to go the other way as well.

I’ve experienced plenty of loutish behavior from drunk women at parties too. There are some women who thinks it’s okay to touch & fondle other women, tell them how beautiful they are, etc. I wouldn’t tolerate this behavior from a man, why would I tolerate it from another woman?

Or maybe just ban work parties? Or have them in the afternoon, as a thing to do instead of working instead of a thing to do during what should be your free time?

When compared with the others who have been a part of the Trump regime, yes I agree he comes off as being almost a decent person.

Nope, nope, nope. He was more than happy to sell out any shred of integrity he had for Trump. It’s the same with people that tried to cast Spicer as the loveable clown after he left or those that try to push the narrative that Melania is a meek little thing in her gilded cage. Nope, If you choose to have anything to

And, much like Joe Scarborough, they think they can get through class by being contrarian and difficult and domineering rather than doing the readings and homework.

This, right here, is the gospel truth.

A good lesson to teach boys at a young age: You don’t have to talk. Not saying anything and remaining silent is an option.

Joe Scarborough. That Guy in every women’s studies class who has to interrupt and say some version of, “If more women used birth control, the abortion rate would go down!” over and over again.

This helps explain for me why the hell Trump even cares who is secretary of state. The whole thing sort of just took me by surprise because I couldn’t imagine Trump even knows what the state department is or what it does.

I’m fairly certain this is about Iran as much as anything else. Rex is an oil guy and doesn’t really have any interest on FP beyond making lucrative arms/energy deals with the likes of Saudi Arabia or Russia. In other words, he’s not a “true believer” when it comes to regime change in Iran. I’m betting that once he