Sumayyah Hariri

What is even going on with this tweet?

As a religious gal, I don’t think politicians should have a faith consultant. That’s all I’ll say about the topic.

Except that the journalist was guilty of this as well. And it is something I have noticed with the BBC (and us, I’m sure); they interrupt women far more than men, and they interrupt people who speak deliberately before they have finished their sentences (as in the case of Ms. Adichie), even more if their accents are

She is GLORIOUS. I don’t know the gentleman beside her (and don’t care to Google it), but he embodies every racist Trump defender.

I’ve heard a few interviews with Joe Rogan about this. I kind of feel like he and some of the other comics are really trying to downplay that some of the women left comedy because of what he did. Is there a way to make a joke without turning C.K. victims into jokes.

Now playing

Sorry, but I just find it difficult to believe Zack had no idea what Louis CK was doing. Here, Tom Segura flatly admits that what Louis was doing was basically an open secret among his peers:

Corey Booker was quite good here:

This is from the Michael Schmidt interview in the NY Times:

I used to live right by that Wendy’s. A historical landmark in Queens.

Primaries are exactly where you should challenge people you mostly agree with. As long as you can come together for the general.

Cardin is a genuinely excellent Senator. He gives a damn, he works grassroots issues for the state, and on the Foreign Relations Committee he has long been on the side of the countries Trump hates. He is not Feinstein, for example, who justifiably should be primaried.

Then there calling the widow of a slain Army Green Beret a liar...

It is not even the worst thing he has done sexually. He has sexually assasulted and possibly raped women and so the fact that he had a consensual sexual encounter with a woman not his wife is not really anything I can even muster up any sort of outrage for at this point.

I hate him so much. Sometimes it consumes me. This porn star thing is just another stupid thing that won’t change anything (I’m glad for the reporting of it, just feeling despondent)

Thankfully I think this is just a stupid joke. Pretty sure I saw her last night in her own face color.

The framing story is Persian (although derived from Indian tales), and a lot of the internal stories have the teller using Persian nomenclature (so that royalty is always “sultan,” much like how the British liked to use “tribe,” “king,” and “chief” because those were what they used for themselves), so it can be hard

The funny thing is the original character Aladdin from 1001 nights is supposed to be from China (possibly central Asia). Although there are Chinese Muslims, there’s lots of hints in the story that suggest the setting is in a Persian or Arab kingdom.

No love for Tammy Duckworth?