
Can't find pictures BUT i do have links... Corvette to Miata

Although it is sad to see Mark Wilson leave on the same day... Thank you for the last 8 years Giz Team.

It's nice that they thought about helping people who may be stuck in an inferno but that's just frikken insane.

@IvanDashSmith: Yeah, I really didn't like how they made Dirt 2 feel like a giant tv commercial. I liked the simplicity of menus in Dirt where I don't have to go around in a stupid trailer.

I ragequit quite often. 99% of the time when I rage quit isn't because I'm getting slaughtered, it is because the pings are so high, the game is unplayable. Take Battlefield 1943 for example. I absolutely LOVE the game but every so often (always nowadays) I find myself walking the same path 5-6 times, shooting someone

So when I look at order status and it says "processing" THIS IS ALL IT IS DOING??? goddamn it...

Seriously? I was at GameStop yesterday and it was at 50% off(Power Saver Sale) so I picked it up for $2.50. He got ripped off man.

I don't drive like people in rallys. Not even close. Heck, I've never even driven on the freeway yet after watching this video and all the other rally racing videos here, I really really want a roll cage... You know, just in case my car goes flying down a hill or something.

I'm going to be completely honest here. That Civic that blew up in the background looks more interesting that that idiot with the GT-R.

@Chewbenator: lol, about half a year ago I was at a local library doing some research/reading, which happens to be right next to a high school, and a librarian wanted to kick me out because she thought I ditched school and was camping out there.

@Chewbenator: Same here. I'm 21 yet everyone on campus thinks I'm in the early admittance program.

I'm not going to lie, I would have done the same thing. Wait 24 hours in a line for a game I'm not excited about at all. Not hating the SC community, I'm just not a huge fan of the game.

First few days of school are always hectic and for some reason, the campus is more crowded. Instead of moving with a slow moving crowd when I'm in a rush, I've taken on to walking directly into a crowd and I get a nice pathway because everyone sees I'm going to be in their way and moves out of my way.

Wait is this Left 4 Dead 3?

A few years back my neighbor had about 3 cats. All infested with fleas. So much so it was pouring into my house. Luckily I took care of it with one of those bottles of bug poison I got from Walmart for about 10 bucks.

Isn't this about the fact that annelids have a semi-true coelom that allowed for more advanced organs?

All of this is under the assumption I manage to have children... Although video game consoles will always have a retro factor, I probably will never give those to my children because I believe, within the next 10 years, the composite inputs will cease to exist rendering my Saturn and 64 useless to them. If any of my

@Gary_7vn: Since I'm the photography guy in the family, after my grandfather passed away, I inherited his Rolleiflex 2.8C and all the original accessories. Still works although the film is a bit expensive.