My dad took his car in for repairs once. When he got it back, he found a box of noodles in the back. Apparently the mechanics used his car to buy take out and forgot a bag somehow.
Big Mike was in Terminator 2! Also, Sarah Connor... Sarah Walker... John Cassey... JOHN CONNOR!
I bet in Korea they write articles like "Why is Halo/MW so Popular in America?"
OxiClean is actually hydrogen peroxide and soda ash when mixed with water. I guess I'll be doing some chemistry when I have the time to see if mixing hydrogen peroxide and soda ash gives me the same result as adding both H2O2 and OxyClean.
@Jason Fitzpatrick: Oh alright, thanks!
This would work much better if it was done in San Diego, closest to Comic-Con... They'll never find the guy that way.
I'm assuming the Twitter, Wikipedia, and the other wifi-internet-requiring apps need that ram extension card?
I didn't like the Anime as much as the Manga because the anime really stressed the fact that Kei was immature and annoying the entire time. In the manga, at least during the time of the massacre by Izumi, Kei was level headed and wasn't trying to have sex with every female he saw in the room. So what Im trying to say…
@astrogea: He can can't he? Picture this: Reynolds staring in the next Twilight movie reprising his role as Hannibal King. I think it would work.
@Pessimippopotamus: So "Merc with a Mouth" + Black Widow's crotch to face spin attack = ??
I don't get it... He's The Green Lantern, Deadpool AND, married to Scarlett Johansson? WTF? Does he do all three at night or how does that work?
Things like this reminds us to be not so serious about life. Chill out, have fun and, don't grow old.
Well the thing about detective mode is that, sometimes you have to follow a trail of stuff and you just don't know where to go unless you have it on. On top of that, there were some areas which were rather dark and the detective mode made it easier for me to see everything and not die as often...
@lavardera: I believe Leo is using the same gun, or at least a very similar model in Inception :)
@0 Lives Left: Perfect Dark was the perfected use of the GoldenEye engine. With realistic injuries and blah blah blah. I can go on and on about how beautiful Perfect Dark IS but... The TS series then took everything I considered to be the pinnacle of FPS and made it even better. I want TS4 SO FREAKING BAD....
Mafia Wars movie? Screw that, FARMVILLE: THE MOVIE.
Interesting. I just found my Viper RT10 Revell model from my childhood days just a few days ago. I stripped it down, kept the engine and discarded the rest of it. It was badly damaged to begin with. It is now truly with the Automotive Gods now.
Wait a minute... Nico declined a joint from Little Jacob in the game and drove when Roman was completely drunk. You know what that means? I'm blaming GTA4 for making me anti-drug and thinking smart. Nico and Luis aren't homophobic either so the game is also teaching us to support gay rights.