
@Murderdolls: As a hardcore fan of the original PD, there was a handful of things in PDZ that bugged me. None the less it was a launch title so I forgive them for most of it(like where's Jo's accent?). I wouldn't just kill for another Perfect Dark, I will massacre for another one. I would play through Superman 64 if

I just got 4 bites on Monday... I've been using aloe vera and Bengay and the swelling and itchyness greatly decreased.

What about the Mini Cooper original? I remember that always being last in every single race in Gran Turismo.

Well Tom Hanks did make a movie about getting emails and drinking coffee based on AOL and Starbucks since millions of people at that time were on the internet and drinking coffee at that time. This is an extremely stupid idea though...

I still want a rocket propelled chainsaw..

actually this has been around for quite awhile. Whether it was done when i first downloaded it, none the less, ABSOLUTELY stunning.

As a few other people have stated, I am surprised that Children of Men isn't on the list. I thought that movie was very well made and very deep.

@matthewabel: Have you tried the "smell-less" garlic supplements? I had a nutritional science professor swear by that to ward off mosquitos during the summer.

HOLY SHIT is that Jack Bauer VS The Arbiter?

@spookyxelectric: Bruce Lee was a martial arts genius. It is hard to live up to that. At least Chou has played characters in the past that involved fighting so hopefully, it's not all stunt actors doing the work.

I seriously want to see a good gaming movie where both the gamers and the critics like. It only seems logical that a game, which is told like a book would make a good movie. I mean, a lot of books-movies were extremely successful. I haven't watched this movie yet but after seeing this article, I might give it a watch.

The CRX is not at the top of my favorite cars list but it is definitely on it. Probably on the top of my favorite hatch list though. And strangely it grew onto me as I grew older since the USDM Hondas have been slowly becoming more and more funky looking. The CR-Z is no exception; it's like a Insight+Fit love child.

Now playing

Weezer did the complete opposite back in 1994. They recorded the video in one take, doing everything super fast and then slowing it down to give it a really weird slow motion feel.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting ready for Gran Turismo 6, not 5 but 6. Hell, I might as well just get a get a real racing license. Do a bunch of mundane tests and race real cars. Pretty much gonna be the same thing but more dangerous.

Twilight Princess really captured what I always imagined what a Zelda game would look like if it were "real" when I opened the box to the first Zelda game and flipped through the instruction manual. The eerie feeling of Arbiter's Ground really defined the word "dungeon" for me. Wind Waker also had its extremely unique

Is Ezio wearing Altiar's armor still? Doesn't look like it... Anyways that doesn't matter, I really dislike this Gamesnot exclusive stuff they have been doing just like how everyone else has been saying. In the past, you beat a game to get some cool stuff such as the useless mundane costumes or something like that.

So what exactly is the game about? Dear Aunt Sally catching criminals(which is actually algebraic equations)? And in the end, if you solve the equation right, the criminal yells "Dang it! FOILED again!"

@Hey_Blinkon: AGREED TO THE MAX. Besides the political parts of history classes, its pretty much just about culture and war. I learned some of the most violent things in my history classes like how British soldiers in India would cut marks onto their bullets, dip them into animal fat, and let the dry so they would be

I bet if every person in the world got to see this in real life, they would be a better person and live a happier and longer life.

@AchromaticMagus Loves Wotter: Or, Chell could have made the portals, which were placed at a slight angle, and they both ran in opposite directions jumped in, hand in air, and the scene was created.