I have a 2017 Civic. Touch screen controls. One physical button to turn on the fan, okay that’s normal. But why do I have to press a second physical button to get into touch screen menu to control the fan speed and turn on and off A/C?
I have a 2017 Civic. Touch screen controls. One physical button to turn on the fan, okay that’s normal. But why do I have to press a second physical button to get into touch screen menu to control the fan speed and turn on and off A/C?
On a budget I would say a ‘89 4WD Civic because it is practical, kinda ugly, and unassuming. And then I thought, if I had real money, I’d go for either a Porsche 964 or an E30 M3 but in reality I’d still go for a 4WD Civic.
Based on the top of the Landspeeder, the astromech is inserted from the bottom up. There isn’t an opening for the legs on the top of the speeder. How do they reach underneath? Probably hover technology.
I have a 3 mile commute to work but there’s no way in hell riding a bike would make any sense for me and its not because I am lazy. I work graveyard shift in a laboratory that’s located in a semi industrial/corporate area. I share the road with big rigs and large box trucks. If I bike, I might save the planet but I’ll…
I love the first generation one like everyone else. It aged so well and I’ll be honest, this one just didn’t have that spark the first generation had. And then I started seeing these roll around where I live in Southern California. I found myself whipping my head around just to catch a glimpse. I see a Ferrari and…
This car is so ugly I thought it was a Nissan.
Reggie Fils-aMECH would have been cool.
Everyday on my way to class I would pass by one of these Celicas parked next to the dorm rooms on my campus. They day I learned it was my classmate's car I flipped out. I asked her about it and she let me look at it and drool and caress it. I was too scared to drive it since it was in pristine condition. Now I dream…
1954: Aperture Science lost their US Defense contract to Black Mesa.
One thing I noticed about modern cars are how they're covered in plastic shields and all that crap. Like modern(I don't know when they started this trend) Hondas and Toyotas all have plastic shielding all over everything. You can't attach the clamp onto any grounded surfaces. You really do have to attach both leads to…
I laughed when I read this but then I remembered back in high school, some dude had his leg run over repeatedly by some hwa ching gang bangers...
What about Toyota's rally turbocharger that stumpped everyone and got them banned? http://homepage.virgin.net/shalco.com/tte…
On my way to school I saw an early 1990's Civic chopped up and turned into an El Camino. I have to say, it was done quite nicely with the rear window section reattached to the front to make a cab. No photographic evidence because I was kind of driving...
When I first saw the heart transplant game, my first thought was "Dr. Nick: the game".
Toyota Prius in electric mode ;)
Speaking of things poking into the eye, this was the first thing I thought about. Apparently, it doesn't get any better in the "future".
I live in LA county and there's a fair number of Civics around(I drive a 99 which is pretty much the second most stolen car according to that one article a few days back). If I'm paranoid, I'll use The Club. I know, they'll just cut my steering wheel and drive off. BUT, since there is so many Civics in my area, most…