I just love the absurdity of Moleman standing idly by a corpse-ridden minefield at night for no apparent reason.
I just love the absurdity of Moleman standing idly by a corpse-ridden minefield at night for no apparent reason.
Ah yes, "videogame". My favourite of all powers.
I loved him in that thing I saw him in.
Always Sunny, arguably.
My favourite part of Heroes' original run was when Hiro's friend supercharged fast lady so she could run faster than light, allowing her to time travel. So she time traveled to the past by running really fast, then time traveled back to the present by running really fast again.
"Homer, I told you this morning! No guns at the dinner table"
"You said the breakfast table."
"It's the same table!"
Kingsguardium leviosa
Did you take GRRM's creative writing workshop too?
♪ Sansa and Theon sitting in a tree
F-L-E-E-I-N-G ♪
Whoever decided that Brienne should turn away 5 seconds before Sansa placed the candle in the tower deserves a worse fate than Shireen.
Who cares? Ren & Stimpy do it all the time.
If that's what they cut out, what they leave in must be PURE GOLD!
Probably best not to mention fishy smells in a brothel.
That's a fair point actually. Up until that point the white walkers were merely something we were TOLD to be worried about, but had a very little foreboding presence. When people argue about gratuity in this show though, I'm surprised it wasn't applied to that scene. I feel like it carried on just a smidgen too long.…
Danaerys more like Don't-Careys (about her friends!)
NO! I thought this episode far surpassed last week's. I wasn't entirely invested in the battle at Hardhome. A lot of people seemed to like that scene for the sheer scale and dread. But what I really liked about this week's climax was the anticipation. I knew Dany and Tyrion weren't in any danger, but awaiting Drogon's…
Dat lawnmower.
This is why she would never fit in with Jerry's decrepit group.
"You took 3 weeks off my life and I want them back!